peep the follow up story
peep the follow up story
Come in and flag yourself for spit and shoe chunks today!
Honestly , compared to things I’ve seen. I that sticky lips post was alright. It was in alittle bad taste for the owner to post using the sticky lips account and not his own, but even if he posted it on his own page the result would be the same, he represents sticky lips 24 hours a day.
Freedom of speech , he has the right to support Romney, he also has the right to ask us to support Romney. He didn’t use any hateful speech or language. So if your gonna stop going to sticky lips just becuz he had a different opinion , that’s sad for two reasons . A) were all adults and better than that and B) you won’t be eating that delicious Bbq anymore topped off with that delicious cherry bomb sauce.
As Dan mentioned, I’m planning on having people over to my apartment for the Thanksgiving holiday for food and fellowship.
Think the TTT2 launch party but with more food and more Game of Thrones, potentially.
That party platter looks great, Gary. I would be down with chipping in on that.
Dude can say whatever he wants, right? Even if it is bad taste to do it from his business acct.
The issue isn’t his outlook. Hell, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A came out as a hardcore conservative and tried for awhile to utilize his restaurants as conservative strongholds, didn’t stop me from eating there.
The issue here is ignorance. Dude doesn’t actually know what he’s talking about. Difference between Chick-Fil-A and Sticky Lips is that Chick-Fil-A didnt try to justify anything. The CEO was conservative, that’s it. That was his view, that’s where he was coming from, period.
Sticky Lips though seemed to attempt to justify its statement based on hypothetical fears that were in no way justifiable or evident.
I understand what he’s saying, however poorly he put it: Due to Obamacare being an option, insurance premiums across the board would increase 10-15% per person insured privately.
However, and this is the part conservatives don’t understand, in the same act, in order to deal with this hike in the private sector, the government will offer subsidies to the insured that, when factored, actually decrease the premiums to well below the current market price.
So, basically, it’s a load of pure, reactionist trash aka ignorance, and I’m sick and tired of uninformed conservatives just reacting to everything without any evidence or patience.
They’ve become the hipsters of politics: They hate everything, react to everything without any depth, then fail to provide any viable alternative.
Haha, that Sticky Lips reminds me of when Bush came to visit Greece Athena. The Secret Service was using the tech room my class was in so the students were stuck on side of the room. On the other side of the room they wheeled in carts of Dinosaur BBQ because apparently Bush loves that stuff and his secret service people got a lot of that stuff too. It’s a tease I tell ya. Just thinking about it reminded me that all that was for lunch was shitty cheese pizza from Papa Johns (1 slice for lunch costing $2 is a ripoff). Though Republicans supporting BBQ definitely sounds better than that Michelle Obama diet plan (Kids should eat their goddamn fries if they want to).
So when’s the next Rochester event? Other than the Thanksgiving one because I honestly can’t make it to that one, though I would if I could be two places at once or knew instant transmission or something.
quoting this because i swear to god you guys tomorrow is the first wednesday i’ve been able to go out to rit and play with you cats and i am furious IRL* that egs isn’t happening you DICKS
*not really furious but seriously, what the hell
Are you sure that they arent doing it?
Absolutely sure? No, but I’d be pretty surprised if it is. Never been one on finals week before, and there’s nothing on the website or facebook to indicate otherwise. If people want to use space at RIT to gather, though, I doubt that would be unacceptable.
So, Murakumo Tsubaki, huh?
Sony. . .please don’t die.
It’s sad enough seeing Kodak collapse.
Not you too. . .please. . .
Hahahaha good one Matt
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Man, what kind of BS is Kotaku spouting now?
Normally, I’d think the same thing.
But the article is republished on Kotaku. It’s actually written by Japanese expert and professional journalist Jake Adelstein.
. . .and it’s just really, really sad because the way it looks is Sony is walking the same path as Kodak. Bad CEOs making bad decisions.
Kaz Hirai being upped from video games to president of Sony as a whole is actually Sony’s last chance to turn things around.
Well I’ll say this.
Sony destroyed the PSN Store last week.
And still no Guilty Gear…
They say the grass always looks greener from the other side… But I gotta say, I’m really liking my own grass right about now .
Team xbox
Yeah, that’s what everyone says. I just finished a session of playing online; maybe it’s nostalgia because this is the first game I really got into, but I don’t care if Persona’s dying. It’s a fun game, I really like it. I like the character I main, and I like playing each of the seven others. I’ll keep on playing it, and as long as I can keep on conning one or two of you guys into playing it with me, I’ll probably be okay.
Persona’s still getting a reasonable presence in tournaments, as far as I can tell. It’s pretty far from a dead game.
Not hating on Persona. I just thought the Gif was epic.
If you haven’t played Geometry Wars 2 , under the influence , your so missing out .