Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."

Pneumonia is stupid.

Yannick, sorry if my coughing kept you up last night.

Shoutouts to Halo food nite.

Thanks for havin’ me Dan.

Good seein’ everyone that showed up.

Yeah , so like , I almost never endorse a video from world star hiphop. But this ones needs to be shared , becuz in the world of fighting games… Real Niggas Don’t Cry

LOL. “I’m from Columbus!”

lol what a bitch.

"I feel your pain man. I’m not a real nigga either. =( " -Viscant

So when I made a post last week talking about how I’m glad that you guys are really friendly and supportive and that other communities can be filled with douchebages, that’s actually the video I was thinking of; the first time I saw it, it seemed to be this kid who lost some money matches and was getting heckled up one side and down the other and these guys were just bullying him.

Then the kid from the video actually steps into the youtube comments and was like “oh yeah, I’m kind of known for getting into money matches that I can’t win in Columbus, it’s my thing” and THEN it turns out that he’s also famous for throwing a tantrum, breaking a controller, and sobbing in the middle of a Smash tournament; the guy proceeds to clarify that “[he] was crying because they had banned Ice Climbers in the middle of the tournament.”

So while I maintain that CORN is a bunch of jerks I’m happy to never play against, this guy is a whiny child and he’s not crying because of anything CORN did. Also you’re right, the sight of some pasty white kid blubbering while trying to explain that he’s not a real nigga is pretty hilarious.

Poor kid. He just wants to be a hero.

Can’t wait to get fat during this Thanksgiving break!


FINALLY the rest of the characters in TTT2 are out. I’m gonna try running Lee/Violet.


Im going to do the same thing. Screw learning two characters.

Lotsa people moved here away from their families. Maybe we need to have a proper Thanksgiving meal.

I spent four or five thanksgiving sitting in a room by myself; it’s pretty crummy. I’m excited that I can spend it with my girlfriend this year, but if somebody feels like opening their home to folks who don’t have anywhere to be, it’s a good thing to do. Thanksgiving is an awfully lonely meal when you’re not sharing it with anybody.

I saw the sign at Sticky Lips about pre-ordering a smoked turkey meal. I was actually gonna do that lol.

by the way, is EGS officially not a thing tomorrow?

Steve minor was talking bout having a FGC thanksgiving

It blows my mind that in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twelve, there are still businesses that think it’s a good idea to post any sort of political statement at all in any sort of public forum.

edit: It also blows my mind that this man, who apparently runs at least two (?) successful businesses and employs (at least?) 200 people is apparently incapable of expressing his thoughts in a text format, because I seriously can’t make heads or tails of what he’s trying to say.

obama 2012 for 5$ off? sounds good to me.


And in other news: FUCK STICKY LIPS.

Can team up on one of these: