Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."

Was short but covering it wasn’t a biggie, just a little awkward to sort out.

Also, the place in the bottom of the carousel mall is the same store, they moved out of the mall, and the place we were at is the new location. I believe thats the case. so getting that specific space isnt really feasible anymore.

Shoutouts to euphorically gorging on Wasim’s chips while the already miserable kids sneak us the sad-eye.

Those top-tier Lays.

Dealin’ the damage right from character select.

How you didn’t tear into those on the ride back, I’ll never know.

Simple: My personal five gallon bag of Chex Mix.

The salt that ran down their cheeks as I passed the bag around to the roc crew as those kids were in the middle. That teddy player thought I was asking him if he wanted any but I was actually looking through him to ask Wong. Awkward.

Hey did you know that Jax was the fattest kid in class?


Hey people with the UMVC3 guide, can someone tell me the startup frames for Spell of Vishanti for Strange? Just curious.

Thank you in advance.

:eek: Spell should be 10 + 1.

Damn. I just watched some youtube videos that CORN posted of random shit that happened during YBO; I’m glad as shit I get to play with you guys instead of them. Having confidence in yourself and supporting your friends is fine, and you have to expect a certain level of cockiness when you get in to anything that’s even remotely competitive. But if I were trying to play somebody and his friends were standing behind me, shouting in my ear with a megaphone about how I was a nigga who needed to get fucked and grunting every time I got hit, I’d walk away from that shit. I stopped putting up with bullies in third grade; I don’t need to deal with it in my free time.

In contrast, basically everybody I’ve met in ROC is supportive and doesn’t give me shit for being new or bad; it’s just the way I am and when I lose, that’s part of the game and you guys are great about helpfully pointing out whatever mistakes I made so that my next game is a little better. When people talked about the FGC being a terrible community filled with terrible people, it confused me because rochester is small but pretty friendly; apparently most places are more like Detroit. Shit sucks.

So my delivery of Halo 4 Limited Edition is apparently Delayed… because of adverse weather conditions. It checked into Syracuse at 3:26 A.M. … and it hasn’t rained all day here or there… so im calling Bullshit… I’m never ordering a game online again. I am Prince’s Pants TIGHT.

That IS bullshit.

Amazon sent out an email 2 days ago saying that regular delivery schedules have resumed.

You, my friend, are getting played. Someone fucked up and is trying to cover his ass.

Word, I definately got that email , so tight

if it makes you feel any better, servers have been shit all day and will most likely be that way until tomorrow evening!
IE: My friends rank and ratios were erased and he’s been rank 1 for the past 6 hours and can’t find a game at all.

:eek: I guess the one thing to keep in mind is that this only usually happens at tournaments. I get the point you’re trying to make, though.

Even the nicest places can devolve into what is known as the common FGC. For that, my friend, I have only one of the finest pairs of noise-canceling headphones. :smiley:

I guess to be honest, CORN is also a strikingly extreme example. I mean, there are tons of angles to this, but overall I’ll say not to think too hard about it. Everyone has a different tolerance and when you becoming an actual thing like CORN or UltraChen or eSports, you suddenly have an image to uphold and I’m sure that also plays a part of it, however small that part may be.

So for those showing up to EGS tomorrow night, I’m taking requests.

Foremaill Grill? Arcade Lapinet? What fighters do you guys want?