Shoutouts to dark Arthur getting me farther than I should have.
Shoutouts for people not being able to tech throws. Who moves forward with Guile and throws?
Shoutouts for me not being able to tech kara-throws.
Shoutouts for wake-up throws.
Shoutouts for whiffing throw, then throwing, and it working.
just shoutouts to throws in general and how dumb it is.
Wasim bday troll
Shoutouts to warehouses of spaghetti.
Shoutouts to persistent mid-aged stinkeye.
Shoutout’s to Pablo on commentary.
Man, KOF has a great soundtrack. I don’t actually play it that much (so many jumps terrify me) but the music is just top tier.
Damn straight.
wanna say thank you for showing up
it was a shitty tournament … it was our biggest turn out but it was shitty … i did everything wrong… sorry if anyone had a bad experience this weekend… wasnt my intention… i tried something different and failed … im sorry for the staff at the venue and the lack of respect they showed u … im looking on ways to improve the series and i want to keep doing this for everyone but i cant have another result like this weekend… i have to fix things and improve … again im sorry for a bad tournament … i wanna personally say sorry to Gary for making a empty promise and not having persona … i take FULL blame for everything … im sorry guys and all i can ask for is your forgiveness
I don’t think I can blame you at all. You do your best every time. The guy that flipped out on a bunch of boxes being on a table and flipping out because of it, that guy I can blame. He scared me
I do find it weird that there’s always a yu-gi-oh tournament there every time. Does the store just set it up that way or is it just coincidence that your tournament falls on the same date as a card game. Don’t sweat it, you won the money match right? S’all that matters!
score was 10 - 0
:eek: Most card game tournaments are weekly.
The reason we never got to run Cyberstorm tournaments in the giant room that Millennium has is because they have Magic tournaments on Saturdays and YGO tournaments on Sundays. That’s just how card shops roll.
Yo. . .
I think a lot of it had to do with the venue. . .
Gary, Wong, Vinh, and I were talkin’ and we think it might be better if you stick to the store location in Carousel or whatever that pool hall was we were at last time.
At that store it just seemed like they didn’t want us even though a lot of us were spending money there. Really didn’t care for their attitude.
Also, access to food was very limited there. In Carousel you had the food court. . .and at the pool hall, they made food and there was a bar next door.
Just some input.
It was a passable experience but I definitely felt the two before this were done much better.
hey damus, i can speak for most of the rochester guys when i say that we weren’t even mad and just love that you’re doing these at all and keeping some fire in the area. i’m more mad at the shit you were getting while trying to have matches. we had fun with casuals and it’s great to get everyone together. can’t fault organizers for doing their best, plenty of parties to please between the venue, guests, etc.
my main criticism is you try to do too much between picking kids up, filling brackets, etc. for the manpower involved. i rather less tourneys get run if that’s the case, even if it’s my game, but since it was announced, i did come in hyped and ready.
thanks for stepping up, some kids did show only for persona so i’m sure this helps. for the record, i would’ve won that free anyway. that’s how i break down any tourney that doesn’t pan out.
My match starts at 5:15:16ish.
Dat hair.
Also, random flash kicks for the win.
How much was my Root Beer btw? If the 2 bucks I left on the table wasn’t enough to cover it, then next time I’ll treat you guys to a Beer.
A Root Beer.
I learned from the best
First game I beat at 29 years of age?
Cyberbots on PS3.
lol shoutouts.
I didnt even notice the tournament turned out so bad.
All my smash kids had an awesome time, enjoyed themselves throughly, caused zero problems what so ever, and finished our event like… 2 hours before the other 3 games. Which I would like to think was due in part to my being a not-too-shabby-TO. And most importantly, they got me paid. So despite my being free-er than I have ever been in any game in my life at marvel yesterday. I still enjoyed myself throughly and I’m glad i got to help Tony out with his project and I hope it turned out well for him.
:eek: I am totally going to regret this in the morning.