Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."

:eek: Wow, Gary might emerge once again as the Strekken champ with the changes that are going through for this game.

I wonder how different it will be; everything is looking really interesting. o_0

P.S. - I may have just accidentally bought everything on the Playstation Store, LOL.

Yannick, you came back from the darkside once, but if you go back, you may never return again!

:eek: We will see; I always give games a fair shot. I wanted to eat my words when I was talking shit about Strekken before it launched.

That never happened, but 2013 may be the year for it to kick me back in the ass.

Also, thanks to everyone who had recommendations. Is there a Target near here?

Points Yannick to the thread title


There’s one right next to the Best Buy next to Marketplace. Between Best Buy and Lowe’s.

:eek: Oh snap. Gotta check that out.

I see what you did there, Matt.

Fitted that T2 Michelle theme on my Columbia stage; had to do it for my baby!

Can anyone tell me why T5 looks so much better than T6?


Because of Blast Processing.

:eek: Not gonna lie, I got kinda upset yesterday when I turned T5 on after having played T6 for so much longer.

The camera moves more fluidly and the colors on stages seem so much more lucid. I guess the character faces aren’t as solid as T6, but wow the difference is stark.


My face when I play Virtua Fighter 2 in the arcade and I lean over to look at Tekken 1 cabinet next to it -

Iron Man 3 Trailer

This is early , so YouTube might take it down.


I just watched the Phoenix Wright movie.

I’m a bit disappointed. I wanted to see some Von Karma headbanging.

:eek: !!!

Blows my mind that it was directed by Takashi Miike of all people.

hold on, what’s this?

I need a nightcap , a very uninspiring day -.-

Yeah, Takashi Miike directed the Phoenix Wright movie. The same man who directed Audition, Fudoh, Gozu, Visitor Q and Ichi The Killer:


Japan is a weird place.

I’ve actually only seen his rendition of Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman with Beat Takeshi; I’m not really into his hyperviolent stuff.

ugh, what am I thinking? Beat Takeshi directed that. Maybe I haven’t seen any of Miike’s stuff; he’s definitely a director I’m aware of, though.

eastman house has held miike nights even before he went on his mainstream run. i caught dead or alive there. is ace attorney a lower-budget entry of his?

It looks pretty low budget and it’s also pretty cheesy, but ya know, this is one of the better live action film adaptions of a video game I’ve ever seen.

Still, wish Von Karma would slam his face against the wall during his breakdown.