Thanks rtdzign for compiling this all into one thread; this should be a handy resource.
The CUI Inc MD-80 series has 8-pin mini DIN male/female plugs and jacks and whatnot.
Search MD-90 for 9-pin, MD-60 for 6-pin, and so on. Search SD-80 for the full-size DIN versions.
What’s weird is that the in-line mini DIN plugs say they have optional “crimp pin adapters”. I have no problem finding the crimp pins, but I haven’t been able to find the adapters anywhere, so I’ve just been soldering to the tiny default receptacle piece and trying not to drink too much coffee.
I was thinking about starting a “connectors” thread, but I don’t see why we can’t have it all here if it doesn’t get too crowded. I’ve been messing with other Neutrik stuff. Their connectors are nice in that they aren’t too crazy expensive, but are pretty and well-built. There are a lot of other “fancy” circular connectors and such out there but the prices can get kinda ridiculous since a lot of that stuff gets into medical/military/industrial use and the prices go way up.
My current favorite is the miniCON series (assembled or modular). They fit up to 12 pins and can be completely disassembled for painting or whatever, and the pins can be soldered (or crimped) to each wire separately, then inserted into the connectors by hand. The connectors are pretty small; the receptacle fits in a 14mm hole.

I have a few pics of this in my PSX -> MC Cthulhu converter post. It definitely works well in plastic or metal cases (e.g. TE), and would probably work alright in a wood case, though due to how small it is, some material might need to be routed out inside, since the jack is a screw-on type.
The neutriCON series (assembled / modular) looks like it could work pretty well in wood cases. It maxes out at 8 pins. I haven’t tried it yet.

Their CAT6 stuff has a different RJ-45 receptacle that could fit better into wood cases (24mm hole). The square backend that accepts the cable is removable for wiring, so if the case were thin enough it should work. Right now they are pretty expensive though (~$30?).