I think this was asked before, but I was wondering if there was any update on N64 support.
Would really like to play Killer Instinct Gold with my new modded stick.
Is there any reason why it can’t be supported? Is it more of a firmware thing or is it a hardware thing?
Try DA=data (RJ45 pin#4)
SL=System cLock ? Usually the pin is labelled SCL (RJ45 pin#2)
PL= ??? (RJ45 pin#7)
I don’t think you will fry your MC Cthulhu if the VCC and GND are wired correctly and mix the other wires
Hi, hopefully somebody can help me out.
I have made a few cables using the guides in this thread for various consoles with a MCC and everything works great, however I’m having real issues making a good cable for my white NTSC-J PC Engine.
So far I’ve made 2 completely separate cable attempts using the given guide, but both times the inputs are mixed up in the exact same way. None of the buttons works but the stick inputs register but are completely wrong: Right is shoot, left is pause (R-Type) etc.
Can anyone tell what the problem might be? I have followed the pin out exactly both times, double checked everything with a meter and all my other cables work fine but this has happened twice with the PC Engine now.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I know this is from forever ago, but I took a slightly different approach. I actually took a small paperclip and widened the channels in the RJ45 end. I was then able to crimp the thicker USB wires in the cable no problem. It takes a little time but you don’t have to worry about bare wire. It was only necessary for the black and red wires.
Hello all,
I’m trying to finish a big project for someone else involving the MC Cthulhu and detachable cables but I’m having problems with the SNES one. I wired many times a SNES cable to a RJ45 plug to no avail. The multimeter confirmed the wiring as per Toodles’s instructables or rtdesign’s tutorial. I tried to wire directly the cable to the MC Cthulhu G-V columns and nothing. I checked, double checked, triple checked the wiring numbers, that no two adjacent wires were in contact, measured voltages… nothing unusual (except that the console doesn’t see anything). An official controller works fine with the console, so a bad controller port is out of the equation. I updated to the latest firmware… no change. Can someone having already built a SNES cable for the MC Cthulhu confirm the wiring numbers published ? Pllzzzz
I’m figuring out the color scheme with the multimeter, of course. I wired quite a few PS2, Dreamcast, USB, Xbox1, Gamecube, even Saturn RJ45 cables but no SNES (or even NES as I just found out). I’ll try with another brand new MC Cthulhu to see if this is something to do with that particular PCB that could have been damaged in some way during the tests (although this pcb works fine with USB and PS2). Thanks for checking the obvious with me anyway.
MC Cthulhu with RJ45 cord, RJ45 coupler and standard RJ45 cable for Gamecube.
A detail of my detachable Molex KK connector. I thought I’d be able to crimp pins from the console cable to some molex pins, but the cost for the pins alone doesn’t justify this.
Close up of the RJ45 connector. As the name suggests, this item connects together 2 RJ45 plugs (pin1 to pin1, etc …)
Inside the coupler
I made some “progress” since last time: this setup works fine of a PC with a USB cord (RJ45 ended) or PS2 cord (connected to PC via Etokki’s XConverter). All buttons and directions work perfectly on the PC. I think this proves the cabling is right from end to end (mostly because PS2 uses 7 pins out of 8).
When I use it on the Wii with Gamecube cords, there’s something weird:
on the Wii, no button seem to be recognized with the MC Cthulhu with RJ45 coupler. However, when the same gamecube cable is used on my MC arcade stick (with an MC Cthulhu, same firmware revision), I can play fine on Tatsunoko and Guilty Gear !
On the multimeter, I measured the resistance for each RJ45 wire: below 3 ohms
And the SNES/NES cables aren’t working whether with the MC Cthulhu setup or the MC arcade stick (I rechecked many times the wiring/pinout)
I exchanged two PICs, one from the MC Cthulhu setup I have problems with, and one from a brand new board. Strictly no difference, works great on PC with USB or PS2 cord, fails on wii with the “failing” board, works great on the arcade stick. I checked to see if the resistor arrays were faulty (they were not), the caps on the MCC had the expected capacity/polarization, the 4 diodes were OK. All tests passed…
I checked the voltage when I “press START”, ie grounding the START signal, it goes from 4,7 V to 0V, as expected.
Before I go drilling a hole in my case, I want to know if there’s a difference between using a 25 mm or a 24 mm. I couldn’t find a 24 mm hole saw to save my life. I would imagine that the mounting plate would cover the gap difference right?
I tried it on some random old stick. I could make it work but it’s very easy to mess it it up and I don’t think I want to take the risk. I’ll probably try a smaller bit