rip xfighter.

xfighter, “the pakistan legend”, imho one of the best sf2ce player in the world, is death 1 month ago. He was a really good person…

Anyone knows what’s happened?

rip my friend, may god bless your soul :smile:

Very sorry to hear this.

This was a shock, you never expect these kind of things to happen, but I guess it might have something to do with the war-torn status of Pakistan.

For those who played against him, he was definitely a SF2CE legend, having taken multiple tournaments in his home country in CE, and was a beast on GGPO as well. Even if you just played Turbo (like most of GGPO SF2 folk) your basic game would improve immensely playing against him in CE, and he could more than hold his own on turbo using his highly tuned basic skills from CE.

For those who knew him, he was very amicable, always willing to teach you or help you out, and had a very kind heart. It’s shocking only 6 months ago or so I was playing against him and talking in GGPO. I only would wish to know what led to his death.

RIP brother (as he would always say when playing against me), may we play some games in the afterlife.

Very sorry to hear this.
One of our sf2ce member, Huansang_Ryu, he had been joined with xfighter on ggpo and 2df often. Huangsang_Ryu told me that xfighter had told him freely, to come to Pakistan and gaming with them. It’s really that HS_Ryu wanna go to Pakistan but he couldn’t because this country is not safety country to travel - so he gave up. Even he mailed lot of time to him to introduce their ce playing.

Pakistan is a very dangerous place, I must say I’m glad your friend did not travel to Pakistan. If only there was more peace in this world so we can enjoy life more.

inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un

You’re right, “If only there was more peace in this world so we can enjoy life more”.

Some pakistan players told me his heart was very ill.

My heart is very ache life is very simple for a player this is very sad very sad…

I wish to express my condolences to the family and friends of xfighter…

xfighter scrive:
*hello Matteo
Matteo scrive:
*you’re xfighter’s brother?
xfighter scrive:
*no man
*i am xfighter
Matteo scrive:
xfighter scrive:
*some one haced my email
*i was out of city
Matteo scrive:
xfighter scrive:
*for 1 and half month
Matteo scrive:
xfighter scrive:
*just came back home 1 hour ago
*offcourse i am alive
Matteo scrive:
*thanks god…
xfighter scrive:
*most of my friend called me my mobile
*and asked am i alive
Matteo scrive:
*told me you was death 1 month ago
xfighter scrive:
*yes i think its crazy ken
Matteo scrive:
*he told me that
*on ggpo
*i asked him about you
xfighter scrive:
*so shit
*it should not be happed
*no one should do that joke
*its not good
Matteo scrive:
*he’s a fuckin idiot
*I was so sad
*when he said me that…

what a bad joke!, really, i hate when peeps makes that kind of jokes.

I was about to say i’m sorry for the lost, but damn good he’s alive after all.

i’m really happy too.

I received the message of his ‘death’ on msn, and now I received this on msn:

xfighter says:
*hi friend
*how are you
*some one hacked my msn id
*and did some stupid joke
*i just came home after 1 month

Glad to hear everything’s alright.

That has to be the the most stupid fuking “joke/prank” you can play in the world. I shouldn’t…but I reallyreallyreallyreallyreally hope karma comes back and bites that dumb fuck in the ass. If it turns out to be crazyken is responsible, I’ll never play him in my life and I hope everyone else follows suite with me.
Glad to hear XFighter is ok and still playing. Welcom back X.

Yeah, that’s a pretty retarded joke, even for my low standards of kidding all the time IRL. Glad he’s alive.

Ahh; thank God for the relief; it was like my heart was heavy and now the weight is gone. Glad your here xFighter :slight_smile:

CK -->> wtf?? Why??