Ok. I feel like I’ve hit a wall in my play and I cannot progress unless I master reversal and wake-up timing. I’m pretty sure I know when to do the move but I guess not? So…
At what point exactly do you do the reversal or wake-up?
If I’m using a pad what can I do to improve my chances?
Sometimes I perform the motion and instead my player does nothing and just eats a punish… why?
Piano, piano, piano. If you’re using a default pad with 4-face buttons, get a pad with 6-face buttons or a stick. For reversal attacks I piano all 3 buttons, for reversal throws I piano the 2 throw buttons (everyone except Blanka, but he can double tap).
** 1. At what point exactly do you do the reversal or wake-up?**
Reversals after wakeup are different for every character. Reversals after blockstun are all the same timing, depending if it was a Light Normal, Medium or Hard Normal or Special Attack. Practice is the only way to improve reversal timing.
** 2. If I’m using a pad what can I do to improve my chances?**
If it’s a default 4-face buttons pad, I use 2 buttons to piano. I don’t use my right thumb for the face buttons. I hold the left side of the pad with my left hand and rest the right side of the pad on my right knee and my right hand is palm down over the buttons. That way all my fingers have access to the face buttons. This means that I have to sacrifice the right shoulder button, but being able to piano with multiple fingers is worth it for me.
** 3. Sometimes I perform the motion and instead my player does nothing and just eats a punish… why?**
You’re either doing it too early or the opponent’s Super flash messed up your inputs. If you’re getting the reversal message, then your reversal attack was beaten.
Thanks Blitz and Emp (and Milo too ;)). I got some work to do. I have this Tekken 6 stick just sitting here but its so hard to get used to, argh! No more replies are needed, please keep this topic open in case I encounter any more difficulties. Thanks all.
Since i don´t have my PS3 controller or Arcade Stick for 360 i can´t fight as i want to do it with 360 pad, now i´m getting used to the crappy 360 pad, but, How the fuck do i do to reverse with that crappy controller?, sometimes i just jump forward or i jump back or worst, i just do standing punch(any version) :S
By the way, i can execute reversals with ps3 pad and arcade stick on Super Turbo(GGPO) most of the time, with 80-85% of success, that´s why i´m asking.
It is probably because you are not used to the XB pad. I feel the exact same way, but on the PS3 controller. I just cannot play HDR with it, I would rather play on an arcade stick, and I hate arcade sticks lol.That is why I never play on tournaments, because most of the time, its hosted on a PS3. But if you give it time, lots of time, you probably could adapt to the XB pad.
I would also recommend heading into HDR, turning the speed to 0, entering Training mode, turning on hit boxes, and then knocking down characters.
When you turn on the hit boxes, you will see the characters blue “get hit” box appear around them.
When you knock them down, the blue box goes away, because they can’t be hit on the ground.
They will then begin their standing up animation until they reach a position that is “standing up” for that character and their blue box will turn on with an instant pop.
Right when that blue box appears is the moment you want to be hitting the button(s) for your wake-up as that character.
If you want to see how long a character is stunned by attacks, set them to autojump and then see how fast they are able to jump after you put them into stun from a hit to them while they are on the ground.
To see block stun, set the opponent to auto block.
Take into account the frames each character requires to jump in adjusting to see when their stun ended. (I don’t have the numbers for each character offhand, anyone have the numbers for that or link to them?)
You might also be interest in this chart showing the relative and absolute difference between various character’s stand up speeds (albeit for ST). The data is from T.Akiba. There’s a 0.2 second / 12 frame difference between the fastest and slowest.
Slightly off-topic, but that specific video example of a reversal being stuffed by a meaty doesn’t prove that latency had anything to do with it. You can do reversal cannon drill, get the reversal message, and still get stuffed. Since the motions for cannon drill and thrust kick are pretty similar, and because of how the rollback netcode works in HD Remix, I’m pretty sure that’s what actually happened.
Did you mean offline or online? Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but the way I see it is that that move should never lose to a meaty normal since it has invincibility for 7 frames, the last 3 of which are hitting. If the meaty attack is already overlapping your sprite during the wake up process, the move will be able to hit Fei Long but he will not be able to hit you as you are invincible for those 3 frames.
As for it not being proof, I can see how you can be picky about what amounts to proof, as I cannot actually show you that lag is having that effect. All I can do is draw the conclusion of how it works offline, and that the only difference now is that the two players are seperated and there is notable latency between them.
I’ve had the same thing happen with Ken’s jab DP on Fei’s meaty close fierce, but this guys ping was something in the order of 200ms. I was fuming that his normal attack should be able to beat a reversal with invincible hitting frames, but if there are some kinds of conditions where this happens offline on the arcade version, I’d be interested to learn more about it, so I’m not so quick to bitch about lag when I reversal a meaty and it gets stuffed.