Return of EVO Regionals?

This seems like a good year for these to return. The fighting game community is more united than it has ever been with so many great games that have come out in the last year and the influx of new players. SSF4 and TvC is only going to make it even bigger.

Could EVO Regionals make a return??? :pray: 2010

Sounds cool, but 2010 is almost here. Probably too late to plan.

Would be cool if they set up some points system to get people to enter as many regionals as possible, and make EVO the Superbowl, but EVO is the middle of the year.

actually, they usually announce regionals around March/April for late Spring/early Summer regionals. Definitely not too late.

LOVE your avatar. I still have my Issue #1 of Deathlok next to all my old Transformers comics. I remember buying Deathlok at my local shop cause I liked the cover so much.

so any more news of this??? Ppl around here really miss regionals…