So I’ve been working in retail jobs for almost 3 years now and I’ve certainly have had my share of experiences. Many of these experiences are bad, and the others are just horrible. I thought it would be interesting to share some of the stories we have from both a customer and from a employee perspective.
As a customer I really hate walking into a store and being tackled by the employees that work there. Like they will not leave you alone for one second, pushing every sale or spouting knowledge about products I don’t care about or showed any interest in. Its part of the reason I hate going to the mall nowadays.
As a employee I realize there’s a lot of crap we have to deal with. Like for instance there was the one time we found that someone took a crap in the fitting rooms. And there are so many annoying customers that we have to deal with. I cant begin to count the number of times someone says that they saw something on sale when the sign clearly did not say it was. But one of my personal favourite stories was when i was working in a bike shop and a customer asked me why was it so hard to shift gears on the bikes we have on display. Now I’ve been watching him this whole time struggle to shift a the gear while the bike was not in motion, which is impossible to do since you’re not actually allowing the chain to move if you’re not pedalling.
So I begin to to describe how the shifters work and why what he was attempting wasn’t working but midway through my explanation he cuts me off and asks me “You think I don’t know all of this already?” At this point I’m just at a loss for words because I’m trying to think of a way to respond without insulting him but then before I could get my thoughts together he adds “I OWN A MOUNTAIN BIKE.” I’ve never heard someone say anything this proudly before in my life. Not knowing what else to say to this guy I just turn around and walk away.
So what about you guys? Do you have any funny/horror stories?