So we had a great tournament yet again. We will be posting the videos and brackets soon.
We had a small but fun team tournament Team Davis (Romeo,200 yen, Pie Guy) took 1st and Team Z (Clutch Hugs, Safe on Block, Pwr Level 9000) took 2nd. As far as the Singles competition. 1st went to Tinh “MINE” Ngo $80, 2nd went to 200 Yen $26, 3rd went to Pie Guy(Cody) $13, tied for fourth was Hitman(Makoto) and Safe on Block(Fei Long).
The next tournament will be the last Sunday in March, I will post the information soon. We will be at a new venue, a pizza place with tons of room, food, drink, and seating. We will try to run both MvC3 and SSFIV as well as teams for SSFIV. Look forward to seing yall soon.
In a later note I would like to thank and apologize to everyone with the endeavor that happened at the tournament and appreciate the understanding. Remember that the more people that come the more cash you get. Keep posted for the video and the brackets. There is hours and hours of video so please be patient and well link it to the LNDT youtube channel.