RESULTS (and some vids) for the First SRK Online Brawl Tourney, Tues March 18, 2008

1 more, and I’m eliminated. = (

Staying over a friends sorry can’t enter.

I lost early. We need to do this regularly. Like twice a week.


<-- got the Arpe brought to had fun.


Chili rarely does more than 20% to me.
75m rocks hard, nothing random.
I was killed by a final smash tonight zero times.
Pokeballs and Assist Trophies are risk vs reward. Assist Trophies that I popped got me killed twice, and pokeballs are often worthless and if they get reflected, your opponent ‘owns’ the pokemon.


once a week lol
twice a week would be a strain on my health!!


note: the only broken thing is healing items. Otherwise, most things are fair game!! The chili doesn’t do much to my chars, I can run all day!

Once a week… on a weekend. Preferably Saturday =D

We need to have ranking battles…

SRK Ranking Battles lulz…

Not a Saturday, I’ll be doing stuff. Sunday?

Goddammit. IRC is not working for me again.

What gives?

Ciern, can you make the room again and pick Sonic’s stage? I would like to get my ass kicked on that.

Not sure whats up, but we can talk here. What stage do you want? I’ll host when you post stage.

[edit] done.

GGS The Damned, too bad you can’t chat it up on IRC :frowning:

Yeah, GGs.

I have no idea what’s up with Fnet.

I was getting randomly kicked, until I switched to the FireFox extension, ChatZilla.


I suck too Quiche, don’t worry.

To get some footage out, here are the matches I recorded, most of these are me playing but I also got one replay with 2 other players.

GGs to everyone I played, let’s see what happens in the next no-limits tourney…

edit: more matches:


Go Donke Kong!!

I definitely take games too seriously, I’m too competitive for my own good. Sorry anyone I was an ass to during the tourney.