Ressurect ECC! ECC 12 The Saga Must Continue

Lets face it…ECC pretty much shits on all the other tournaments. Well…especially Evo East.

ECC is legendary, memorial day weekend is always the shit in Dunellen NJ. Who the hell wants to play some games in a hotel in CT, when you can be in the Break with mad random people yelling mad shit. Motel 6, White Castle, Dunellen cops, smoking cigarettes out back then sweating around the king marvel cabinet.

Voice a message to those in charge of Evo to change the dates for Evo east. ECC must go down.

Long Live ECC!!!

Don’t know about you, but I prefer a hotel. Less waiting, less crowded, better presentation, better sticks (mine).

ECC has been too big for that arcade for what… 5 years? And theres no way they’ll be able to run ALL of the popular games for the EC and fit them in that arcade.