lol I love the music as well, it sounds so chill(like the combo). A question though, why do u add the spit before the :s:? Is it just for the damage or does it make the relaunch easier or something?
Yeah it makes the air series part easier to land and builds a wee bit more meter which is always important in this game.
Good to know, ill start implementing that in my combo because I have had some issues consistently hitting the air series part since you have to delay a bunch of hits and shit. Plus the extra meter is always welcome.
hahaha thanks for that nini heart. i’m almost dying over here.
Does the following work mid screen?
Fly. H, unfly M, dj. l, dj. H, S xx whatever
Basically this is unfly H into a jumping M, and then still in jump momentum you can double jump and connect a jumping jab, chain an H after it into a flying pan. In some odd situations I’ve got the double jump light to connect after the unfly M, but never been able to finish it mid screen. I know this combo works on both middle weight characters and heavies. Anyone been able to get this to work mid screen?
j.l j.h doesn’t work after a few hits but if you just replace your j.l with j.m that works very consistently.
Nova is sents best friend.
In the corner, S, j.BBCS, call novas over head assist, L Rocket Punch, S, j.BBCS, L Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm
Does 900,000~ for one bar. Mid screen his fly/unfly or relaunch combos are better because the assist pushes them so far away, but in the corner it’s easily sentinels best assist for both easy as shit unblockables and damaging relaunch combos. At the end of an advanced combo you can use the assist after a L Rocket Punch and call HSF for all 9 drones to hit and then go into Plasma Storm, but it’s two bars for only 100k more damage.
I’m going to try this, thanks
Wow, I’m conflicted yet again. That tech with Nova sounds too good to pass up though. I have’t touched Nova since the game dropped, but I may need to try him out
Another perk is that the bounce from the assist ALWAYS works. You can start combos with jump S and things will still work, so from midscreen you can corner carry with any random hit and still do the relaunch. 900k plus nova super = 90% of cast dead for two bars
some labwork. nothing flashy, just short and simple
Why don’t you do a rocket punch before the plasma storm?
another rock punch does about 1.1 mil so yeah do it if you want to lol
fuckin so strange for me I can do this combo from the right side (same side as in the video) but doin it the other way I CAN’T fucking do it, everytime I try to un-fly he friggin does the fryin pan. I even have the inputs on and closely watch what my inputs were and many times the inputs ARE CORRECT yet the game still registers it as a S normal and I get his frying pan slam.
Which unfly? Both of them?
Are you mashing S to get the unfly? If you hit S before the whole qcb motion you won’t get unfly and you can’t cancel j.s.
Here’s a little snack for the hungry sent players
Here’s another little tidbit:
[LEFT]QCB+S(Fly) j.H QCB+S(Unfly) j.H land S sjuf j.H xx QCB+S j.L j.H QCB+S j.H land s.M S sjuf j.M j.H j.S dash QCF+L xx QCF+LM[/LEFT]
[LEFT](Corner Variant-867,900)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]QCB+S(Fly) j.H QCB+S(Unfly) j.H land S sjuf j.H xx QCB+S j.L j.H QCB+S j.H land s.M S sjuf j.M j.H j.S QCF+L xx QCF+LM[/LEFT]
[LEFT](Corner Variant, standing Neutralize instead of medium-841,200)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]QCB+S(Fly) j.H QCB+S(Unfly) j.H land S sjuf j.H xx QCB+S j.L j.H QCB+S j.H land s.H S sjuf j.M j.H j.S dash QCF+L xx QCF+LM[/LEFT]
[LEFT](Corner Variant, crouching medium)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]QCB+S(Fly) j.H QCB+S(Unfly) j.H land cr.M S sjuf j.H QCB+S j.L j.H QCB+S j.M Jump j.M j.H j.S land QCF+L X-Factor Cancel [slight delay] S sj j.M j.H j.S land QCF+L QCF+LM[/LEFT]
[LEFT](Hard Drive Loop - 2 Reps-1,1mil)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]QCB+S(Fly) j.H QCB+S(Unfly) J.H land S sj j.H QCB+S j.L j.H QCB+S j.M jump j.M j.H j.S TK Rocket Punch L xx Hard Drive xx Hard Drive xx cr.M QCF+L QCF+LM[/LEFT]
Any tips on hitting the sj.:h: xx fly, fly:l:,:h: xx unfly, j.:h: into relaunch? They always seem to flip out before I can hit any ground hits into relaunch. Any tips on timing? Is s.:h: or s. into :s: more reliable for the relaunch? Also does the starter have an effect on it i.e. c.:s: as opposed to j.:s:,s.:s: or fly:h:xxunfly j.:h:,s.:s:?
Found this on eventhubs, its pretty cool [media=youtube]ude8euyjnFk[/media] shows some slick stomp combos.