Don’t do that combo, do launcher -> j.h xx fly j.l j.h xx unfly j.m xx double jump j.h s.
I made a 2nd Combo vid with my main team of Ryu,Magneto,Sent. recently found that you can link a j.A after cr.C xx fly
sorry i haven’t been keeping up with this thread. I can update the first post but was wondering if u guys would suggest what combos we should use as BNB’s? i dont want to weed the first post with too many things that people dont necessarily need to have in their repetoire
i’ll do this, but lets get some kind of closure on which ones u guys feel are the most optimal combos and where
That’s a nice combo!
Just finished my first Combo Video. It features my team’s BnBs (Wolverine/Sentinel/Phoenix). It also features many combo video features that I wanted to see in all combo videos:
- shows input, damage, meter gain (both sides),
- has full combo descriptions in the details,
- has annotations that link to shorter videos of just the combo being performed so that others may more easily refer to and practice just the specific combo they are interested in seeing.
Enjoy it and I hope it helps people improve.
Sentinel starts at 1:06 since he generally is in first assist:
So I’m not sure if anyone actually knows this (I found it by accident and have only told a few people…not that I’ve been trying to hide it or anything) but there’s a way to make Sentinel’s unfly relaunch combo (the Onslaught combo posted above) really consistent in midscreen on everyone except for Ammy. (Or this could be really old news to everyone)
Basically if you do (s./c.) :s: j.:h: fly :l::h: unfly :h: s.:s:
Midscreen the falling j.:h: will whiff on pretty much everyone except Sentinel, but there’s a really really easy fix: fly forward (a very very short distance) immediately after the fly. You still get time to continue the combo and it puts you in better position to make the combo consistent on everyone (except Ammy, and you don’t even need it on another Sentinel).
So something like:
:s: j.:h: fly, move slightly forward, :l::h: unfly, falling :h:, s.:s: j.:l::l:
double jump
:h::s: :qcf::uf::l: :qcf::atk::atk: into looped hard drives or whatever
works on everyone midscreen except Ammy (and there’s probably a way to make it work on Ammy but I haven’t really tested). To get the OTG rocket punch to connect after the relaunch you may need to dash forward first if you start far from the corner.
What kind of damage do you get on that? I am working on learning the relaunch opener. My normal BnB is :s:j.
:d::df::f::atk::atk: for about 930k.
I’m curious what kind of extra damage I’d get with the relaunch or the :l::l:dj:m::h::s: air series.
What’s sentinel’s best combo if I want to get a snapback at the end?
Let me just preface this by saying that I’m a new player to Marvel, and am playing around with Sentinel’s :s:, j., j.
, j.:h:, Fly, :l:,
, :h:, :s:, :d::df::f::uf::l::d::df::f::atk::atk: but when I start with my back near a corner I land so far away that I’m having trouble dashing up and hitting the rocket punch, any tips/videos?
I’m probably missing something really obvious, but thanks in advance for anything you can do to help educate me.
Anybody ever thought of a Sentinel Only corner combo? Not sure if
Finally got the rocket punch xx hard drive loop down. Now to learn fly combos.
EDIT: Not sure if old, but I figured out that you can loop L rocket punch xx Hyper Sentinel Force. I can get four reps on Wolverine, even after a basic air combo OTG, and it sets them up to a good height for Hard Drive loops.
Now I can do L rocket punch xx Hyper Sentinel Force M rocket punch xx Hyper Sentinel Force TK Hard Drive TK L rocket punch xx hard Drive grounded L rocket punch xx Plasma Storm.
This won’t work is Ultimate, but it looks really cool. Don’t know who it works on other than Wolverine, but it works on Wolverine. That’s good.
This is my bnb with sentinel (drones)/doom(missles)/shuma(mystic ray)
:qcb::s:j:h::qcb::s:j:h:stand:s:j:h::qcb::s:j:l:j:h::qcb::s:j:h::a1:stand:s:j:m:j:h:j:s::qcb::l:…missles hit while drones hit… :qcb::s:j:s::qcf::qcf::atk::atk:
It also works midscreen. You simply have to dash forward as soon as you call your drones. Does like 850k with 1 meter.
[media=youtube]Ljufy1ITHEw[/media] pretty dope combo
where be the snapback after plasma storm!
This is just an idea lol People can do whatever they want in the combo. Snapback is godlike in the first combo though
Heres a combo for your sentinel/magneto duo (hypergrav asisst)
Standing :s: super jump j:h::qcb::s:j:l:j:h::qcb::s:j:h:standing :s:j:m:j:h:j:s:LAND:qcb::s:call hyper grav:qcf::l:J:s::qcf:xx plasma storm
almost 900k with 1 meter
It’s pretty damn sexy
respect that.