I think I want to clarify why I feel the way I do about ST versus HD. However, I think I need to make sure it is understood what I mean when using the vernacular I will be using to describe my feelings. These are the following definitions I attribute to the following words and how they will be referenced:
Expert: noun- a person with special ability or knowledge in a particular area who performs skillfully.
Skill: Adj- Ability to produce solutions in some problem domain.
Technique: Noun: The systematic procedure by which a complex task is accomplished.
Depth: Noun.- The quality of being deep; deepness
Deep: Adj - profoundly cunning or skillful.
I have stated several times that I enjoy HD. I think Sirlin got a lot of it right. However (MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION), I feel that is has less game play depth than ST. It all comes down to skill. When combining the above definitions into one cohesive thought you can say:
"An expert has the profound ability to produce solutions to complete a complex task. " Which for all practical proposes, make a whole lot of sense.
By definition, the higher the level of depth (deepness), the higher level of corresponding skill. HD Remix has reduced the skill needed for a player to do many of the following events: executing moves, escaping tick throws, escaping throws loops, escaping fireball traps, zones, and specific character match ups.
It WAS hard for some characters to avoid fireball traps, it was hard to some characters to get out of throw loops. To escape a fireball trap a player had to show patience, ingenuity, knowledge (of gameplay mechanics) , and technique (timing, execution, and precision.).
Technique, is a product of skill, skill is a product of expertise, and expertise is born from depth. If there was no depth to a subject, no expertise would be need to master it.
From my understanding HD remix was created to make a “easier / more fun” game for the casual gamer to play. However, when ever you make anything easier it reduses the expertise needed to acplish the task.
Here is an example: If golf had bigger holes, it would be more enjoyable to the average casual player. Consequentially, the game itself would require substantially less skill master. Many adavnced players may find it less stimulting to play. Not to mention Tiger Woods would be out of a job, because the wider the holes get, the less his expertise would be needed/respected/admired to “get” the ball in the hole.
Anyway, this is getting long winded. I really like HD remix. I am going to play just as much as anybody else. But for me (for the reasons out lined above), the games is not as deep, becasue it requires less expertise and its accompanied skill set to apply the techniques needed to win at high levels of gameplay.
If you disagree, cool. But this is how I see it. And from the several PMs I got, I feel other good players feel the same way (or at least pretty darn close.)