Request: Custom art for a stick (birthday present)

Hi all
I am getting a custom stick for my friend for his birthday but I want to put special artwork on there.

The stick is going to be an american mas looking stick.

He really wants one with megaman giving like a thumbs up and somewhere on there to say MegamanDS Jr.

I guess thats the main thing, you guys can be creative if you want.

Thanks in advanced.

I think I’ll try it. dimensions?/template?

template here

you up for it?

yeah. . im looking for megman pics right now. . .probably have it tomorrow… .

idk if there’s any other one he may like:

that should be fine, just have fun with it.

and ya, all the writing i need on the stick is “MegamanDS Jr.” somewhere and “Big K, World’s Best Friend”

what I’ve got so far. . .

wow lookin good!! keep it up. thanks alot

The typography and sprites you used for his name are fucking fantastic. Sexy as hell.

The rest sucks.


xbawks hueg image.

just wondering, is it possible to leave the main megaman with the thumbs up the same, but every other megaman in the collage black and white? just so the big one sticks out? if not, its cool.

But it looks AWESOME so far!! Can’t wait.

damn panda did you draw that?

just curious on any updates, how do i give this to the stick builder?

looking really good!!!

any other updates!? thanks alot!

is that the final artwork?

Unless there’s something you need for me to change

looks good, how do i give it to the stick builder? just right click save as?

Just give them that. if the person making your stick art doesn’t have PS ill just upload the full sized .png file