Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

Not even close to true.

Favorable rating of Clinton and Cruz are tied, as of Dec 22 2015:

People really hate Hillary.

  1. If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Hillary Clinton the Democrat and Ted Cruz the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                                                               COLLEGE DEG
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    No
Clinton              44%     4%    91%    36%    36%    52%    54%    40%
Cruz                 44     89      4     45     53     36     39     46
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1      -      -      3      3      1      1      2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      4      4      2      6      5      4      3      5
DK/NA                 6      2      4      9      3      7      3      7
                     AGE IN YRS..............
                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+
Clinton              55%    40%    42%    46%
Cruz                 33     49     47     44
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2      2      1      1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      6      4      5      3
DK/NA                 4      4      6      7

America confirmed to be populated by cock suckers

Donald Trump @ 49% (SRK Poll)

lol no one gives a shit about Kasich. He wasnā€™t even in the SRK poll. Heā€™s one of the reasonable ones.

ā€˜Heā€™s possessed by a demonā€™: Man attempts to cleanse Ted Cruzā€™s ā€˜demonic soulā€™ with exorcism

Trump killing it. Its gonna be a hilarious election.

He isnā€™t killing it hard enough though. I think he needs to seriously start wooing the other candidates for their support once they drop out. Otherwise if the other candidates all combine their support together and gang on Trump, he canā€™t win the primary.

The Super Bowl (General Elections) will by Trump VS Sanders?

Jeb has lost his mind


thatā€™s pretty fucking american if you ask me. bunch of libertards offended

Even after owning Trump in the last debate, Jeb is still only 10%, heā€™s just doing barely better than Ben Carson. Why does he want to be there?

If Jeb and carson drop out Trump loses. They donā€™t want to drop out and it hurts more than it helps.

Trump destroyed Jeb. that was absolute fucking slaughter. Republicans today all agree that iraq was a mistake, jeb is defending that, not good for moderate votes. Trump has essentially called the Bush adminstration frivilous and wasteful, bush wonā€™t win.

Kaisch migh split the more moderate states with Trmp, and Cruz is going to win the evangelical states.

I guess I missed out the beginning of the debate melt down when it happened. I only saw Trump flipping out while Jeb standing firm.

I wish Kasich has more support from the establishment supporters. He has that electable nice grandpa face that appeals to the opposition more than the other establishment candidates.

Trump is such a huge threat that Obama has to publicly denounce him. Cruz is way worse than Trump, and Obama didnā€™t even care about that Canadian fraud.

President Obama has been getting increasingly nervous over last few months about this.

What. Guac man cant do anything. He had the largest campaign and still only got the amount of voters.
Trump is crushing him.

Everything you need to know about Jeb Bush.

LOL, most of the conservative radio talkers hate Trump and so does the Fixed News Network (Fox News)