Replacement buttons for a TE2 fightstick

The PS-14-K is the snap in version of the PS-14-KN. Exact same button in terms of functionality, just different mounting method.

nvm i figured it out

the seimitsu screw ins use a different size microswitch for their screw in buttons so the only sanwa switches that can fit in the seimitsu screw ins are the RG sanwa switches. The plunger wont fit on top tho so you will have a bit of a wobbly plunger.

Well I’m located in Canada. I ordered two items from them once (balltop and shaft cover+dustwasher set). Took them 11 days to actually ship it out and maybe another week, maybe less, to actually receive the package. That was using the cheapest shipping option. Not bad for the prices if you ask me.

Thanks for the info!

I plan to just buy the most expensive shipping.

I believe it’s 3-5 days from the day of sending the item out with the most expensive option. Idk how long it takes for them to actually ship though. Their track record with shipping things seems to be pretty slow.

So i did the math and they akishop sells the buttons cheaper. So buying 10 buttons with expensive ship =4770 yen which comes out to $40 and buying local is going to run me around 47. My last question is the start and share buttons on the top of the fightstick do they take different size buttons and is there a tutorial that explains how to replace them?

The Start and Select buttons are 24mm. To replace them on the TE2, you have to use the included Mad Catz hex screwdriver (or any 2-3mm allen wrench) to unscrew to screws holding down a cover on the inside of the stick. From there you have access to the buttons and the connected wires. Simply press on the small tabs on the quick disconnects to remove the wires from the buttons and then pop them out by holding the tabs down and pushing them out of the holes. Then just put your new buttons in and wire everything up again. Putting the cover back on is optional.

Ok so i was able to practice the process of getting to those buttons. Do they make 24mm for the ps-14-k? I’m looking but cant seem to find any

Seimitsu doesn’t have 24mm clear snap ins, but they have 24mm clear screw ins.
If you want to put the cover back on for the function buttons it might be a tight fit but it’s doable.

Nah i found these and i kinda realized they dont have clear. It’s not a huge deal. Will these work? and i want to say thank for answering a million and one questions

They should be fine.

I looked on Focus Attack and Paradise and couldn’t find OBSF in white.
I need 2 reds and 1 white to complete my mod…