Replace the volatile memory in Gameboy games with non-volatile memory?

my working knowledge of electrical engineering is quite limited, so please excuse me if my question has been answered under different terminology!

I was looking at old Gameboy games, which require a CR1612 battery( to keep their saved games, and then I noticed how cartridges for the N64 variously used the volatile memory in early releaes and EEPROM non-volatile memory in later cartidges, as weel as later era Gameboy Advance cartridges and pretty much any modern solid state memory, thumb drives all that do not require a current to keep the data.

So Is it possible, or plausible, to take an old Gameboy cartridge requiring the CR1612 cell and replace it’s memory with something non-volatile in the average hobbyist’s home workshop?

I do not intend to do this, I only ask if it is possible to replace only the save memory keeping all the rest of the original hardware intact. I am aware there are many ways to accomplish something similar, such as an adapter for SD cards and then running some sort of emulation, but that is too un-original (hardware wise) for what I am thinking.

Thanks for any input folks!

Edit: If memory is memory (so long as the capacity is recognized by the system using it), and memory with a compatible number of pins isn’t able to be acquired, would some fancy soldering be a way to either bridge or split pins from the IC to the board of the cartridge?

Edit 2: It appears that what I am talking about is replacing “SRAM” with “nvSRAM”. Not much help to me, but at least I understand some terminology better.

Also, here is aq link to the inside of the exact cartridge I had in mind when thinking about this question:

The one issue with a gameboy cart is the limited size space. Any cart for a non portable can be modded as they have some space to spare. a NES cart as alot of empty space and could fit alot inside.
You also have to worry about line-level voltage conversion. That the output of this memory be at the same voltages that the rest of the cart/system is expecting those datalines to be at. You shouldn’t dump 5 volts down a circuit made for 3 volts or even 1.8 volts.