Removing hitbox pre-programed macros

Hi guys! I made myself a hitbox but since I’m not familiar with circuits boards, I bought mine. Bit it came with an annoying macro of 624 transforming into a 632147 (forward+down+back becoming forward>down forward>down>down back>back>up back)

I’d like to completely remove this, but I just can’t find any info on removing this kind of macro.
Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

My board is a very simple premade zero delay board like this one

That’s really odd. A traditional Hitbox would have a SOCD cleaner and cancel 4 and 6 out, so only 2 would be inputted.

It probably doesn’t haven’t any sort of an SOCD cleaner and is likely designed for joysticks where hitting 4 and 6 simultaneously is impossible.

Sorry, I don’t know anything of that board and have no idea where to start to fix it, other than replacing it…

Have you looked into Brook boards? They’re more expensive but I don’t think you’d have these issues with them, and I know most of their PS4 ones (which should have a switch for PC) have this SOCD cleaner, though you should probably double-check before buying.

FWIW, traditionally, a Hitbox cancels out forward and back if both are inputted, and if you press down and up at the same time, then up will take priority and down will be ignored.

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