Removal of Jump-back Shuriken, SFxT 2013 Raven changes

The purpose of the thread is straight forward is to hear fellow Raven players commenting about the Raven changes

Here’s the list of changes in case you missed them:

[]LP – Increased push back on block
]Close HK – Reduced frames by 10 (+6F on hit/-1F on block)
[]Far MK – Reduced frames by 3 (+2F on hit/-2F on block) - Startup 10F->7F
]Far HP – Hit box enlarged
[]Far HK – Reduced block stun by 5 - On midair hit causes vertical float - Hurtbox next to hitbox is invincible against air attacks
]cr. MP – Hit box enlarged
[]cr. HP – Hit box enlarged
]Air Crossed Ninja Stars – Hit box reduced - Cannot perform after back jump
[]Stormbringer – Startup 16F->13F
]H. Alter Ego – Increased midair combo count
[*]Wind Cross – Opponents in corner get floated higher on hit
The biggest one of them all is obviously being the removal of jump back shuriken. What it means is that you can’t shoot ninja stars anymore on the air when you are jumping backwards. This was an unique ability for Raven since it gave him an Akuma-styled zoning tool that traveled horizontally on the air. This change could change how Raven will be played. I wanna hear what other Raven players have to say about this. Any type of response is welcomed. Yes, ranting is allowed!

From what I’ve been reading so far, I think I’m the only one who actually believe Raven will be better in version 2013 than he currently is now.

And the main reason for that is the buff on his AAs. His cr.MP is already good, and with the hitbox buff it will be great. MK buff is also nice, since like cr.MP, it also leads to juggle combos on CH and with better startup, more people will try it. Wind Cross buff on corner is also cool because currently it’s kinda awkward to continue a combo after WC in corner. Far HK buff seems nice as well. Stormbringer buff doesn’t seem to make much difference, but we need to test it to confirm.

About the nerfs: LP wasn’t a threat anymore so this nerf won’t make a huge impact anyway. The Air Crossed Ninja Stars nerf is actually pretty much adaptable, since you can always backdash neutral jump for it. As long as the instant version isn’t affected (even if it’s only the instant forward jump version), I think that nerf is also ok. What I still think Raven is missing, is a better overhead move. Back MK-MK is kinda useless unless you get a CH and it’s pretty slow. M Alter Ego isn’t too bad, but it’s so easy to interrupt it when you’re close.

That’s my opinion so far.

I think that nerf was to remove TK shuriken from the game. TK shuriken basically had a jumpback state in the input command. I spoke to one of the better players in my country and he told me this will affect instant shuriken as well. That was the whole purpose of the nerf rather than nerfing the ability to “run away” while jumping backwards.

But you know there are two different versions of the instant Air Crossed Ninja Stars. One of them makes Raven jump forward (which is the TK motion you’ve mentioned), and the other one is the instant jumping backwards, which is the 2367+P command instead of 2369+P. If their purpose is to avoid “run aways”, there’s no reason to nerf the instant forward jump one.

Let’s see.

Raven is getting that AE Cammy treatment, loses TKCS and gets buffed in other things. People still hate how she feels now. I predict something similar to Raven. He will feel super weird without jumpback shuriken which IMHO wasn’t so overpowered or “cheap” as people claimed to be.