Remix Honda Thread

For ground-to-air, I either use the jab headbutt (if they’re close enough to hit with the headbutt’s first frame) or a late short or forward buttslam (when they’re further away). If for some reason I don’t have a charge, standing fierce works okay too. If the opponent tries to crossup, I just block and ochio.

For air-to-air, I either use a very early j. Fierce (an anticipation air-to-air when I expect my opponent to jump at the same time as I do) or an early jumping d+Forward (the splash, used when I jump earlier than my opponent would - it doubles as a good air-to-ground if they don’t actually jump).

In air-to-air, Honda usually loses if he jumps later than his opponent, though. So avoid jumping against airborne opponents. One exception is when Blanka does his crossup j. LK dance, you can jump jab him out of it if he does it for too long.

You know in some ways I think the new ochio bounceback actually helps Honda. Against Gief, for example, used to be that ochio would sometimes leave you precariously close to Gief, especially in the corner, but now you automatically get to fly away from him and set up your defense again. I’m sure this is an unintended consequence, but it’s nice for Honda nevertheless.

It hasn’t happened to me yet but it looks like the timing is a lot tighter than regular ST. It is quite a gamble if they miss, especially in the 3-hit super range.

Well if there’s a hole and they miss the dragon punch, then yeah, sucks for them, but usually you can just mash dragon punch so that if there’s a hole you’ll dragon punch and if there’s not, oh well, once you start blocking something in ST you stay blocking even if you let go of the stick as long as you’re in continuous blockstun and the attack doesn’t suddenly go low. Not much of a risk unless you mess up the dp motion.

It’s only happened a couple times to me too, so I think whether there’s a hole might depend on something like location and opponent’s character, but then again it might just be that most of my opponents don’t know that there’s sometimes a hole.

What do you guys think of his matchups? My guesses:

Ryu: 4-6
Ken: 5-5
Blanka: 6-4
Guile: 4-6
Chun: 5-5
Zangief: 7-3
Dhalsim: 6-4
Hawk: 6-4
Fei: 7-3
Cammy: 7-3
DeeJay: 4-6
Boxer: 5-5
Sagat: 5-5
Claw: 5-5
Dictator: 7-3
Akuma: 3-7

I’d put Honda-Blanka at least at 7-3, that matchup is just as ridiculous as ever. When Blanka is ahead in life, Honda can get it back to his advantage without too much trouble, but when Honda is ahead in life, he can out-turtle Blanka with amazing efficiency.

Honda-Blanka is certainly more lopsided than Honda-Bison in my experience, but nobody believes me when I say that, heh.

Either Honda has an advantage over Sagat or I’ve only faced mediocre Sagats so far.

I do think Ken has the advantage over Honda, though - these DPs are really good and fireball-sweep traps still work to an extent. I seem to have more trouble vs Ken than vs Ryu, even.

And yes, Akuma is a tough bastard!

I think his headbutt is too good. Period. I tried to cross up with Ryu. Looks can be deceiving. You have to be next to him and hit Honda high. Not only that, but if he headbutts, he escapes.

I’m not sure on the accuracy of that statement.

Honda headbutt did not beat fireballs in World Warrior, Champion, or Hyper Fighting.

But jab headbutt did go through fireballs during startup in CE.

Yeah, I read that and I was like, WTF?? Did I miss something? (It’s possible; I came in at HF.)

Alex Wolfe (well, presumably that’s him) is complaining that Honda is overpowered in HDR. I’m not sure about his reasoning – I think it might have to do with the fact that he plays characters against whom Honda has always tended to be effective, and that those particular match-ups are now even more in Honda’s favor (Dhalsim, Dictator, etc.) thanks to the jab HB, better j.fierce steering, and the trip guard j.D+short/j.D+forward – but when someone of Alex’s stature says something like that, I have to take it seriously.

That said, Honda was upper-mid tier before HDR (owned all or almost all non-projectile chars., and could be effective vs. Dhalsim if you were careful about the drills). I would say that he is now bottom upper tier.

for anti air: ground vs air-- head butt or sumo smash anything that jumps in at you. for air to air you can use jumping jab or strong or fierce, i prefer the jab actually in most situations for example vs Claws wall dives. also jumping straight up forward the one that looks like a normal kick is a great anti air to air. VS each character there are better antis you just have to learn the matchups . Its a trail and error thing.

Just to verify Honda used to be able to headbutt through fireballs (fast ones only i think) however i always forget which version of sf2 it was, they all run together after a while . But he did have this ability this is a FACT!!! The headbutt did not nullify the fireballs, it only passed through them and the timing was difficult.

As for the Honda vs Blanka thing i felt this way before i played vs nohohos blanka. I had a MM with him and i beat him 3-0 but since then he has gotten closer and closer each time I have played his blanka. now were are almost even! Until you see what blanka is Truly capable of do not underestimate him. As for the Bison matchup that is just a tough match either way, if you don’t know the tricks

The more and more I use Honda, the more I’m convinced he’s REALLY good in this game. I have yet to play a REALLY good shoto, yet, though. And from what I remember, Ken owns up Honda pretty badly. If I can ever fight a really good Ken, I can find out how the fight has changed.

But I just feel like I’m not scared of anyone anymore when I use Honda. I feel like I have a chance against every character.

  • James

Honda is most definitely sick in HDR. He is even EASIER to play and with the exception of Blanka and maybe Guile, NONE of his matches got worse, only better. (Some got WAY better – f. you, Dee Jay!)

I know how you feel, James. Often, I get that same feeling of invincibility using this character. I can’t wait to see what Kuroppi does with him (if he ever gets off his Zangief high).

what situations are best to use the slaps in? i usually sit in crouch and use the sumo drop and lp headbutt for most matches, but im sure there is other stuff to do with honda right?

From what I’ve played so far, that looks pretty good to me. Except, why do you think he goes even with Chun? To me, it seems like she still wins that one.

Hahah i have to say I feel the same way with Honda. I’m not afraid when I play him and I dont get frustrated. When I play Blanka, and I miss/cant get a throw or a reversal opportunity, I get angry with myself. But with Honda, I dont know… I just somehow feel safe inside his jelly rolls. Like nothing can hurt me in there.

i had a reversal super beat out by a meaty sonic boom today, i was surprised it didn’t have the invincibility to go through it.

You’ve probably only faced mediocre Sagats, I played against Sirlin’s Sagat, and that match, while not that super hard to win, he still raped my ass. I missed only one torpedo and bam, 3 hit dizzy combo followed by 5+ hit combo ftw.
Ironically, I played against his Akuma later on and almost beat him. So, if a shitty Honda player like me can “almost” beat the designer, I think Akuma isn’t that hard.

But who knows, maybe Sirlin was taking it easy on me, although I doubt it ,lol. :rofl:

Idk about NONE of his matches getting worse, I feel like Blanka is tougher now, and it ain’t definitely got easier (but it’s till easy) against Cammy or Gief because of the reduced priority on the HHS.

Ken beats Honda at least 6-4. Ken doesn’t have to fear the headbutt at all with his improved DP, and jab headbutt misspaced/mistimed= st.RH from Ken

Chun could be a 7-3. Jab headbutt doesn’t scare Chun that much.

Also think Honda beats Boxer now- it was even before, now it should be 6-4 as well.

If I was to make a change to Honda in a patch, this is all I’d do

  • Cammy Spin Knuckle would go through Honda’s headbutt and clean hit Honda. That’s it.

Cammy is 8-2 easily.