Regency fun center 3s players

Hey Leo, where the hell are you?

If you guys like I can help Lenin edit that hot sauce video.

What time should we meet at RFC?

Edit-That is a fucking gay ass av Jaime. I liked the old one.

Thanks, I was going for gay.

Fuck you.

My friend drew a whole thing just for me :smiley:
I could only add a bit of it though. Here’s the whole gay pic:

Tai Kwon Do sucks when it comes to MMA fighting. Most of the time people just try to rush you down and go for ground and pound so without takedown defense you just get fuck up

I guess turtles die in that MMA =\

NotSanchez: “Shakes glass. “PLAY AGAIN”.”

Fagnetro2Gay(I’m so witty) and Sanchez will be at RFC at like 4:30pm PST. From there we can branch off into 300 or what have you.

LET’S ROCK! [/Hulk-Al Bundy]

I came to the conclusion that MVC2 is gay.

Yea, I said it.


Saulito is already out of work so we have to come up with another theather.

Likely no hook up, so I might just watch it tomorrow when there is a hook up and go to FFA tonight.


dunno if its my computer or what but i cant see the god damn video.

That was easily the manliest movie I’ve ever seen.

Does it load Ray? Did you click Magnetro’s words?

fucking faggots.

300 = pwnage

fucking faggot

Everybody knows Ray got off on that small 3 min clip of black and white dramaticized sex scene in 300.

“Oh a nipple!”

this avatar is beastly

you’re all fags.

  • kerissa

youre right, but dont lie, i know you got off when you side that foo naked.

“OOOOOOOOh what an ass”


Anyone stop by RFC this weekend? I stopped by a few hours ago and I was having mad trouble dashing towards the right on 1p side.

I was using 12. So it was even more obvious.

PS-Props to Ray for the sickest Hugo ANTI Remy trick ever.

Doin This Shit For Cyrus!!!
Strong Firece HAVE To Do The Fireball Cause Im Lame Super…

I think what he meant was that cyrus has a problem doing strong fierce double fireball super.

same reason he used the shoulder with yun i think.

If anyone feels like beasting today… ill be there around 4:30