Regency fun center 3s players

no, theyre gay movies… wait a minute, since theyre gay movies, why dont you ask Lenin or Saulito, they’ll, prolly go.

Makes sense. I’ll call you when The Lake House 2 is out…


regency 2nite beches, beches, beches.


Fuck you Ray. Knowing your gayass you would probably go with lenin. Since you DO know about gay movies.


GG’s fags. RXMike is powering up.

fuck mike, I was raping him earlier, fatigue caught up with me.

what then son?

pinches jotos cabrones

i like how being associated with lenin is an insult. haha.

I hate it. :frowning:

Ray you owe me 20 dollars.
Forgot about that


I once read that if you leave a hundred Ray Ramos on a hundred different 3rd Strike machines one day they’ll produce the works of Daigo.

John almost got to play street fighter 4 today. haha

Was it the parking lot stage? I knew I should have gone.

it was the best of times
it was the blurst of times???

Oye, che…


reminds me of ralph wiggum.

nice vid sanchez, lolz.

shogo you gay

I heard Ray Ramos has a twin brother called Gay Ramos.

Ironically, Ray is the Gay one.