Regency fun center 3s players



See you bastards on Wednesday!


lol internet


Sanchez- :hp:+:hk:, :hp:+:hk: ,:hp:+:hk:

u guys make me siiiiiiick.

anyways, ill be at rfc tonite bitchez, prolly from 7:30ish and up.

It’s not Rock, it’s Kenny and David (not sure if they use SRK). I’ll try and call up JR, but that guy doesn’t have a cell phone. Also, we’re planning on going back to my place after Regency closes. At that point and it’ll be beer, pretzels and 3s.

Hip hop (that’s free of bling-bling) with a reggae feel.

rike so?

I looooooooooooooooooooooove HBMS

YES. Now add hand drums, tenor sax and trumpet.

I’m Down To Go To Regency If One Of You Guys Picks Me Up And Drops Me Off… Or If Melvin Goes To Regency. I’ll Give You Guys Gas Money, Try To Go On Friday THE 13TH. Thats When I Get The Day Off…

GRRR…Friday’s my performance! What about Thursday?

Friday work better for me, but thats just my case as I know ol’ boy has a show he has to do.

nonetheless I’m not really part of the group although I am lookin for some consistent players.

I am THE consistent player.

Someone on this thread link me to a loud ass Mariachi song to counter my fuckin neigbors blasting that shit right now.


I’m going back to Remy. 'Cause I hate you fagats.

Hey TonyX-

Should be autowin. Unless they have Vicente Fernandez LIVE CD’s… In which case you’re fucked. ROYALLY.

Nah I think they hired a damn live band, I was just playing loud explosions to annoy them.

Damn, a LIVE BAND!? That’s serious business. Just get drunk and go join 'em. If they ask who you are–


–Should smooth things over. Good luck.

UCLA-You guys going tomorrow? I’ll be there pretty much all day.

I’ll go tomorrow too.

whats up guys, im heading down to LA (tonight) for vaca with some friends for about a week or so, and turns out regency fun center is pretty close to my friends house in LB, just wondering what the hours were and around what time people start showing up there? im mainly gonna check it out for 3s tho, so thx in advanced, hope to see you guys there.

JR, when are we gonna hit up UCLA man? Get back at me.

haha, your vid will never come out, you should join the niles club