Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

I like getting in two M uppercuts and an H uppercut at the start of each combo, whether you go into slow or you do launcher and then two more air M uppers into six cannon etc

Well Idk if someone already posted something like this or not but…
I was bored so I did a little chart of all the assists that dont let you reset with the blocked shocking pink bomb. Now I did this by calling the assist first then trying the glitch.
Also I dont have Jill so thats why I didnt list her.
Listed: A/ B/ Y assists
Wekser: No/ No/ No
Chris: No/ No/ No
Dr.Doom: No/ No/ No
Dormammu: No/ No/ Only 3c & 3d
Shuma Gorath: No/ No/ No
Akuma: Yes/ No/ No
Tron: No/ Yes/ No
Zero: No/ Yes/ No
Super Skrull: No/ No/ No
Modok: N/a / No/ No
Taskmaster: No/ No/ No
C.Viper: Yes/ No/ No
Chun li: Yes/ No/ No
Ryu: Yes/ Yes/ No
Cap. A: No/ Yes/ Yes
Thor: Yes/ No/ No
Iron Man: No/ No/ Yes
Trish: Yes/ No/ Yes
Dante: No/ Yes/ No
Spider-Man: No/ No/ Yes
Storm: Yes/ No/ No
Ammy: N/a / Yes/ N/a
Spencer: No/ No/ No
Wolverine: Yes/ No/ Yes
Deadpool: No/ No/ Yes
Magneto: No/ No/ N/a
Hsien-Ko: Yes/ No/ No
Morrigan: No/ No/ N/a
Felicia: No/ Yes/ Yes
X-23: No/ Yes/ Yes
Phoenix: No/ No/ No
Sentinel: No/ No/ No
Arthur: No/ Yes/ No
Haggar: No/ No/ No
Hulk: No/ Yes/ No
She Hulk: No/ No/ Yes

-Now wall bounces/ ground bounces remove the blocked bomb glitch.
-DHC glitch or DHCing resets the ability to use the blocked bomb glitch again.
-Hitting your own assists in the middle of the move while still blocking the bomb seems to let you use any of the assists without taking that blocked bomb glitch away.
-There seems to be a limit on how many times you could reset and use the blocked bomb glitch again. Or I did something weird to lock the ability for the entire round.

I think you mean RHK. But seriously do take off the last RHK at the end or you combo and do airjoe instead. You get more damage and its easy.

Dude this is awesome. Someone PLEASE PUT THIS IN THE FIRST POST!!!

Fantastic list, saves me a lot of time on a combo I was working on for this since it won’t work. To me it looks like the most useful possibilities are iron man gamma (smart bomb), x-23 beta (ankle slice), and amma beta (cold star). Iron man and x-23 both give the possibility of OTGing while putting a bomb out, which cold star just holds opponents for so long that it could probably be used somehow. Ankle slice has the added bonus of giving joe an unblockable setup since its low, and cold star would really help his pressure game and his rediculous overhead.

Just looking at Jill, alpha assist ground bounces and beta wall bounces, so both of those are out. Gamma is somersault kick, and other similar moves (she-hulk kick, x-23 uppercut) both work, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t, but I can’t picture it being a useful was to combo into and out of it while putting a bomb on screen.

Edit: Just put some time in the lab. Got j.S, M, H, c.H, M groovy upper, jH, (dj), j.H, M red hot kick, (dash), j.H, M red hot kick, H red hot kick, call amma, M, H, L bomb to combo in the corner, timing is super tight but we’ll see if more time in the lab next week can get something sweet down.

i dunno about air joe at the end, doesnt that scale to hell? And it’s pretty wonky. And I like to combo into slow after rhk H

No the reason why airjoe is better at the end of you launcher combo is because your combo has already been scaled by this point. By the time you do the M upper into the 3 RHK’s, then do S into your launcher combo the desperado will only do 150K anyways. H Airjoe has a higher base damage than 1 M RHK so it will ALWAYS do more damage. Plus if you throw it on at the end of a combo you won’t have to worry about it scaling any moves after it because you’re just going to go into a super which will do 150K regardless.

We’ve already discussed this combo on the last page. I even posted a video of the combo. Its consistient:

the combo is

whatever into M upper, j.H, dj.H, M RHK, airdash, j.H, M RHK, H RHK, land, delayed S, sj.M, j.H, dj.M, j.H, M RHK, airdash, j.H, H Airjoe, Desparado.

Here is the video I posted earlier:


Like I said, its consistent. I do this to every character and in live matches and I do it without fail. It does more damage to boot. It real easy. If you look at some the posts after I posted that you’ll see that other people agree. Just give it a shot.

In regards to your slow combo, I have nothing against that. What I’m suggesting with H Airjoe has no affect on you getting your slow combo off of the H RHK.

Ahh okay I thought you meant doing the air joe into launcher instead of the H RHK into launcher at the beginning, not at the end into desperado. That makes sense

Yeah. Sorry about the confusion.

I’ve just done a video showing how you can continue a combo from Viewtiful Joe doing a Desperado by DHCing to Devil Trigger:

Can I get a vid of the blocked bomb reset in action?

A lot of really good and interesting V.Joe combos in this video…but check out around 2:15…Slow Hyper combo into snapback?? Was I the only one not aware of this?

Snapbacks in general only have 2 frames of startup. You’re at +3 off of a slow super thus why that works.

look at this vid at 3:05.


you didnt link anything…


Does this combo work midscreen? Great find!

guys im not dead yet. Im gonna revamp this once UMVC3 comes out completley

Okay, I found a way for Joe to combo off a forward throw. After the forward throw, the bomb explodes and hits the enemy, but I think Joe’s hitbox doesn’t return until after the bomb explodes or something. This sets the opponent up for combos.

:l: Bomb, Forward throw> Mach Speed> super jump> air combo> downward TAC> whatever follows

This combo costs no meter unless you use another hyper after the TAC. I’m sure you could throw after another bomb, but you would probably need a lockdown/multihit assist to keep them still while you wait to throw.

I have a couple of bomb-throw setups too but you can do more with Joe after the bomb hits. After the bomb otg’s the opponent you can do:

:m: upper, j.H, dj.H, :m: RHK, airdash, j.H, :m: RHK, :h: RHK, S into launcher combo.

You can use Joe’s L RHK to set up something similar to Magneto’s ROM. I’ll talk more about it when I experiment enough to do it consistently. For now it’s all theory, except that I’ve done something similar to it. Joe’s RHKs hit pretty hard too, so this will be worth doing.

There are also much more damaging combos than we have posted here using RHKs.

EDIT: Yeah, I’ve gotten to 413,000 without hitting 10 hits. Has to do with using j.C and L RHKs, but my execution isn’t consistent enough for me to get it downpat…adding the standard ABC to this may change it though. I’ve been starting with a launcher every time.

This is without being slowed, by the way.

EDIT #2: About 612,000 after a Mach Speed is added AFTER (meaning this ends the combo) the first two reps. I’m not sure if he can get any more than that. But the hit count is low considering most of the combos we know for Joe scale like shit counting how many hits he has to get in first. So this is new and great. But so far…only in the corner. Will try midscreen now…

EDIT #3: HELL YES, it works. Didn’t think it would. Only problem is this switches sides no matter what with each rep, unlike Magneto’s, which is optional. Though I’ve still only gotten two…dammit. That’s really good damage for Joe though!

S, instant j.C (short delay) qcb.A, ad.f j.C, qcb.C, S, instant j.C (short delay) qcb.A, ad.f j.C, qcb.C, dp+AB, sj.C, dj.C, dj.C…then something. He CANNOT do a RHK into Six Cannon as far as I know, I’ve tried. If he could…good god.

Works midscreen and in the corner, difficulty doesn’t seem to change. Just need to remember what side you’re on.

Was screwing around with that, decided to record it for visual reference for others. Timing is super tight and midscreen the combo seems to be EXTREMELY timing intensive to make sure everything is EXACTLY the right height. Any hits before the S seem to just make it a nightmare to get to connect. Certainly a cool looking combo but I’ll save it for the CV’s myself.