recording sean

lol there’s plenty of good players on kaillera. wtf man.

You should’ve rolled up in here and said, “I can turn a truck around in all your mom’s asses,” and then posted, “I didn’t say anything offensive.”

good players on kaillera for sf3 are rare…even the good ones are not that great. not saying im better then all of them.

are you going on randomly playing people, or are you setting up matches with known players? I have a feeling there’s plenty of good players on here that wouldn’t mind playing your dominate sean

the one i was playing his name was Idealistic and he is so far one of the best players ive played. The last videos the player was a lil bit more unexperienced but was still worth me going all out.

Dr. Phil?

yeah he said he was dominating people… He Basiclly did dominate the people he playedso… In some sense hes innocent. But I didnt know he said his Sean was better than others… Or if he did. ( i aint searchin for it)

When you mention you are “dominating” anyone, it comes off as bragging, whether you want it to or not. It sounds like you want people to know that you are significantly better than some other people. I have no doubt most of the people on this board have beaten/dominated someone in their SF career, but they don’t report it every time it happens.

you really are an idiot. You think out of all the greats they cant pick sean? They can you dumb fuck im sure everyone can. Hes a shoto, shotos generally play the same…So quit thinking that you use a low tier so if you suck you blame sean, and if you win a game god forbid with “SEAN” its a big fucking deal. Winning is winning, doesnt matter who you fucking pick you fucking idiot. Id knock your dick in the dirt with sean anyways, your shit is weak

Btw congratulating dumbass

No one gives a shit if you play sean, only problem here is that you’re just some idiot that makes a whole thread about it then posts up shitty matches.

Also if you’re beating a lot of people on Kaillera or whatever, man… HAHAHA THAT’S SAD.

BY THE FUCKING WAY, it’s ‘congratulating’. God.

As if you didn’t need anymore discrediting… Sean’s not even bad online.


I know this is a bit off topic but I would beat the shit out of a goat for a good 5 min to get some mc donalds right now

k this guy is dumb i had alittle fun thread close we all know he sucks