recording sean

lol here comes that haters again. keep it coming i dont care lol. Instead of gongradulating of having the guts to trying to master Sean, a character whos already disadvantaged…you guys keeps on hating. is it because i play sean better then you guys? just admit that i suck…you imbecile ive been playign sf3 for around 6 months and am NOW ( ive started sean a month and a half ) trying to pick up sean. its not my fault that uve been playing SF3 since 1998 and cant do shit with sean. so dont hate if i play him better then you…cos thats the only reason why you guys are trying to hate. i mstill gonna get better with sean…it aint no forum faggets thats gonna stop me…stupid assholes. the more you hate the more it encourages me to master sean so keep it coming, and the morei ll be posting videos…bitch

sorry i’m a fucking idiot who can’t spell guys, sometimes i wake up at night crying because of my lack of intelligence

i insult you to hide my own failure at life and at the game of 3rd strike :’(

my sean will rape you.

hey sign up for the kaillera tournament on october 8th, it would be cool to see a Sean player like yourself win the tourney.Record the matches too.

good idea thank you

Best mod ever.

hahahah…how childish of you. and im the idiot?. you know that im right about me and my sean and about evrything i said…thats why you find no other option then to try to change my post to try to make me look dumb. because u couldnt find nothing to say necause i was right…you use your advantage as a mod to try to win the battle…that just shows how much of a whimp you are.

sorry i’m a fucking idiot who can’t spell guys, sometimes i wake up at night crying because of my lack of intelligence

i insult you to hide my own failure at life and at the game of 3rd strike :’(



Holy shit.

I thought this thread was getting turned around into a nice one for a min… no, not here :slight_smile:

lol, yeah right. Shoryuken defines the term elitist. Lots of T.O. and Tony Romos and no Marvin Harrison or Ladanian Tomlinson.

It’s all about attitude. You come in here thinking you’re hot shit, you’re going to hit the wall. Acknowledge that you’re new and willing to learn, and you’ll be treated well.

no. i came here first asking a program so i can record my self dominating people on * --------------> KAILLERA <------------ not some super high level tournament i said KAILLERA.

i never said i was hot shit and that my sean was special, again i said i dominate good players with sean in KAILLERA. and i dint say anything offensive. until okame and epilson ( go back to the first page of the tread ) came out with the * oh ur spreading shit over the inter and oh you suck * and thats when my hater magnet was activated. evrybody started to come out of evrywere insulting ma ass. but they forgot that the only thing i said is that im dominating people in KAILLERA not some japanese legend or something. im showing these vids to show how good i YET am.

sorry i’m a fucking idiot who can’t spell guys, sometimes i wake up at night crying because of my lack of intelligence

i insult you to hide my own failure at life and at the game of 3rd strike :’(

That was offensive on several levels.

I keep watching your avatar…

me too… did he turn sean into a burger or rescue him from it???

O_O I think Sean ate the Burger(Raging Demon style) before Oro could. ANd Oro had a pretty funny face.

btw if you were being sarcastic… me bad ^.^

Sean’s not chewing bubble gum.

Nobody gives a shit what character he plays. If he came on here, said he was hot shit, and could back it up, no matter what character he used, he wouldn’t be taking heat, but he can’t back it up. Don’t kid yourself and think people took one look at the videos and instantly decided this guy is a scrub because of what character he chose.

again…i never said i was hot shit…look at my last post

When you say you’re “dominating” people, and that everyone that is flaming is just doing so because you have a better Sean than them, it certainly comes off that way.

JESUS CHRIST i said dominating people from kaillera man!! these are not world class tournaments players most of theme are either shit or average while a short percentage of them are really good. the ones i recorded againts were beetween average and good. again not tournament level players.