Recent MvC2 Vids

This was on the front page couple of days ago: Japanese Finalroundbats marvel 2 tournament:



Japanā€¦doesnā€™t really play the same marvel that America does, eh?

considering this was a small side tournament to the UMVC3 tourney/tougeki qualifiers, iā€™d say most of them werenā€™t really up to par on their marvel 2 game, though japan isnā€™t the best at marvel, that stream doesnā€™t show their best. Even so, Japan is awesome. Whether itā€™s 3rd strike or marvel 2 or some other game, they always have very crazy teams/characters, unlike over here in the U.S. They like to disregard tiers in most games.

jap mvc2 vids :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: thanks a lot man! been looking for some of these lately!

jap mvc2 is good to watch if you wanna see random shit that will work once in awhile. Itā€™s always fun to watch those, as well as early mvc2 stuff, old tricks will still work

Some more Philippine L1 MvC2 that I stumbled upon

Romneto vs VDO FT10 - Mid Tiers .:12.27.12:.



I like this thread; itā€™s def needed. @Preppy, can we get this stickied? (idk if youre an mvc2 mod or not)
Grand finals of the PSN tournament



sanford playing pretty recent, a couple of months back. dude still has the sentinel :o


Some recent-ish vids from Strider VM

More Philippine MvC2

360 grand finals

of course the philippines would have head to head mvc cabs :frowning:

Hereā€™s me retiring




Iā€™m not, but you can use REPORT to talk to the area mod if nothing else. :\


Got alot of views already, but for those who missed it.



OP should remove the ? from the thread title

XBL winners and losers finals

