Real Circus Damage- The Cerebella Combo Thread

You can’t just mash j.LP, you have to tap them out in a consistent rhythm. I usually go for 4 j.LP before hitting the ground. Anyways, here’s what I have so far:


c.LK c.MP s.HK [Napalm Pillar] Run~Pummel
c.MP c.HP j.LK j.HK
c.LP c.MK j.MP j.MK
c.LK c.MP s.HK Cerecopter

6,759 x1.0 Damage


c.LK c.MP s.HK [Pillar] Run~Pummel
c.MP c.HP j.HP
s.LP s.MP c.HP j.MP j.MK
s.MK s.HK Cerecopter xx Dynamo [otg]
s.LK s.MP s.HK Cerecopter xx Dynamo

10,310 x1.0 Damage

So it looks like Bella can still break 10k, which is pretty sweet. Has anyone put together a better combo?

Don’t use pummel. Opponent can mash out before the

Are you sure? I’ve never had anyone wiggle out of a Pummel Horse, c.MP link, before.

Do you know of any place where I could find this game’s frame data? The one on the SRK wiki doesn’t list Specials.

Yeah, pummel seems almost neutral on hit with mashing. Also, Emuchu, I mean j.LP-LP-LP-LP(however many) j.HP as a restand.

Use Pummel for resets and resets only (anti airing if they’re that telegraphed), I wouldn’t call it a reliable combo filler.

j.lp * 3 is usually the safest bet. Just work on the timing between the first and second j.lp. Once you have that down, it should be pretty easy to hit consistently.

pummel horse was shit in vanilla as a combo filler. why would you put that many hits on so early in a combo? it totally messes with your damage scaling. you dont start combos with j.LP mash either for that exact same reason.

Actually… according to training mode, you can chain after pummel horse, even if the opponents trying to mash out. You have enough time to do as much as a or a s+f.hp.

I use Pummel Horse because it combos so readily off of Hornet Bomber and Napalm Pillar. It also links comfortably into c.MP, so I can save s.LP and c.LP for later, what with lights suddenly becoming a scarce resource. I don’t mind losing a bit of damage for a flexible combo starter.

Thanks, Zidiane. I had a few rounds with Mike Z on ranked today, and I figured if anyone would know to wiggle out of stagger, it would be him. He didn’t, so I figured I was fine leaving my c.MP’s in there.

Well, go figure. Keep it in then.

That’s right!!! I can test this stuff in training mode, now!!! GASP.

Pummel horse still hella decreases your damage output.

I guess it would be boss if you were going for ground combo, ground bounce, wallbounce, pummel horse.

Kancho pummel horse ftw. Also, as long as your combo has 6-7 hits first, PH won’t hurt your output., j.hp,,,,, s.hp, PH works fine.

Acutually, that’s gonna my new idea for the bella bnb

Quick ground combo, quick wallbounce, into kanchou, into pummel horse, into some kind of reset.

Using all my combo resources.

Wait, besides Kanchou and Diamonds are Forever, what wallbouncing tools does Bella have?

I…Don’t think any.

let me think about it.

Nothing else.

I meant to say groundbounce.

Why end combos in Pummel Horse when you can end in wall bounce, Devil Horn, Reflector which is now a legit reset tool? Reflector also gives you the combo into DD and it doesn’t require the stagger, which you could have used earlier in your combo.

You’ll have to show me an example, 'cause I haven’t tried comboing into Kanchou, yet, and Kanchou > Devil’s Horns > Reflector into shenanigans sounds really gross!

Edit: It looks like Deflector, Horns, and Cerecopter all count as the same move. Hunh.

yyyyep. Specials of different strength are counted the same.

I knew that much, but… I thought there would be an exception for completely different specials, even if they share the same command.