I play rbs because its a better game than rb2! Everyone that plays snk should realize that snk best version of a game is special! Fatal fury special, SS5S, world heros perfect(perfect=special), rbs, kof98DM(dream match=special) are all better games out of the other versions IMO! I can debate SS2 over SS5S and you can debate rb2 over rbs, but for the most part snk usually makes the specials the best IMO! Everyone can win in rbs IMO.
Also the comment about about only me, dg, and ninjamatt play rbs was a cheap and weak point to bring up in this thread! I could say the samething about whp! Who really plays that game besides you, Adam, ninjamatt, and deadlyraveneo before nec?
Ive had PLENTY of people PM me to take whp off the frxii list and add kofxi instead, but I said no! They tell me that kofxi would have double maybe triple the entries whp would have, but I said no. Why did I say no? Because I respect whp to be worthy of being a major snk tournament! But With your smart ass comments about rbs vs rb2 the same would apply to whp vs kofxi IMO!
I know they are different games, but I’m looking at it from an organizer point of view. I want to have the games that most people play as tournament games at FR, but I do reserve the right to add games I feel are tournament worth! That’s why we had 98 instead of XI this year at frxi. Kofxi would have had more entries, but kof98DM is viewed as the best kof ever made!
I’m thinking about changing SS2 for SS5S. The only reason I’m thinking about it is because no one is playing SS2 on the ggpo test server. The people I have played against don’t know how to play the game! Well beside me and deadlyraveneo it seems like no one online ever played SS2 before!. I haven’t played that many people on ggpo in SS2, but the people I did play was learning as we play.
Some people are playing m.o.t.w. On ggpo test, so I may add that to the snk list for frxii! RB2 is popular now due to Steve H and deadlyraveneo matches from nec and it carried over into frxi IMO! Even deadlyraveneo thinks rbs is a better game than rb2 now! He still love rb2, but he knows rbs a better all around game and he is one of the top USA rb2 players!
If you don’t try to use ex Andy or NM geese the game is fun! Those 2 break the game IMO! The main problem these days are people don’t take the time to learn how to play the game anymore! Not just rbs but fighting games as a whole people are to ducking lazy to learn how to play the game!
They would rather learn how to xcopy someones style/gameplay off youtube or tournament vids than learn the correct way to play the game!! If they would take the time to learn how to play the game instead of xcopy shit online people could understand how to play games better thus more depth would be added to the games!!
I always tell deadlyraveneo that he has some of the best combos and set ups for those combos I’ve ever played against, but the shit I do you won’t see in a youtube vid! Case and point when we 1st played rbs he was trying to youtube combo me to death, but I would win because I understood the gameplay for rbs better at the time. Then he step back for a second and started to understand how to truely play rbs and now we go at it hardcore!
I guess we will agree to disagree on this subject Josh which is no problem with me! This is great debate/convo IMO.! Maybe I will replace the real bout series with motw since it is the last fatal fury! I just find it disrespectful and kinds funny that you would diss rbs when one of your favorite games if not your fav snk fighter is whp!
That game is just as obscure as rbs in snk games played IMO!
i gotta say MOTW and RB2 are the best FF games by far. RB1 and RBS are both great games, same for FFS, which is a very good game as well. shit, i even like FF3. though none of these compare to MOTW or RB2. MOTW is probably the most perfect (if this game had more characters and more returning characters, damn) FF ever. and RB2 along with RBS are pretty much the most fun FF games out there. as tourney fighters only FFS, MOTW and RB2 are good enough and not broken enough to be played on tournaments IMO. though RBS is the closest tournament fighter of all FF games besides the ones i listed. shit, to me even FFS is more of a tournament fighter than perhaps RB2. not cause the game is better, but done with far less mistakes in the game. cause even RB2 has some issues.
Who is apart of this huge returning cast in motw? You must have meant rb2 with geese return. I will grant you rb2 has more detailed combo system, but they nerfed a lot of characters in rb2 IMO! Rb2 feels like an rushed game. Kinda like kof97! Motw is very tournament worth! More than whp and any real bout IMO! The more I have these debates the more I see no one really knows about snk games! Not snk/playmore but the real snk games! Maybe I’m just an old shit that time has past me by! Motw will be an official tournament game at frxii! The game is too good to not have when your throwing a snk major! So rbs and whp might get bumped out of frxii for motw and kof12! That’s if kof12 is released at home before frxii.
Excellent posts Larry! I couldnt agree with you more…esp on the part that very few people KNOW SNK GAMES…
Thats the truth…
esp in regards to Real Bout Special…I think very few know the game well PERIOD…
As my line chart and other things are showing…most people dont know WTF they are talking about when they run their mouths about Real Bout Special…
but no surprise right??
Also RB2 was rushed…it feels like it…and sure they changed up the combo system in rb2 but the line shift system is so detailed that you have people OVERSIMPLIFYING IT LOL saying Line Shift ruins the game!!
You cant oversimplify something as deep as Line Shifting in RBS because you dont understand it…
I have yet to meet someone that thoroughly understands all the nuances of RBS’s Line Shift…that can argue with me mano a mano with evidence vs. some of the hard evidence I have put up…
Most the stuff in RBS people are hearing is just HERESAY…
“Line shift ruins the game”…
That just means you dont know the game that well…all there is to it…because if you did it wouldnt ruin the game…you’d have PLENTY options with MOST of the cast to beat it…
So it seems like people arent at a high level of play in RBS to say Line Shifting ruins the game…
-Dark Geese
P.S. Larry I put money KOFXII wont hit consoles before FRXII…
The problem is people don’t want to learn how to play the games anymore! Case and point what is the 1st thing/question people ask when they want to learn how to play a game? Who is top tier! When it should be how do you play this game imo! People making judgements on games without learning how to truely play the game! The worst thing about rbs is the wall break imo! I don’t mind dizzies in fighters. I prefer them over gaurd meters, but the wall is random imo. If you do a wall combo and you almost break the wall and they get out of that corner and put you in it 1 hit will break the wall thus getting you dizzy! That’s what ruins rbs imo! I view line shifting like rolling in kof. Just another way to evade overpowering snk moves! Complaining about line shifts is like complaining about kof rolls or dodge imo!
This is the truth…yeah the walls IMO are the worst feature of RBS…but IMO the walls are FAR WORSE in RB1…I can deal with them in RBS…but in RB1 it TOTALLY CHANGES THE GAME…Instead of getting dizzy like in RBS…ITS GAME OVER OUT OF BOUNDS IN RB1…
So I can deal with a dizzy vs. a GAME OVER LOL. (Though if I got P Power with certain characters it is GAME OVER!)
Also yeah people dont wanna learn the games anymore…because I’ve posted up in the FGD thread not only counters to the Line Shift in the chart…but a Universal Counter that dates back to Fatal Fury 2 that people have…
Yeah the back, forward+A move that people have as their A+B attack in RB2…people haven’t thought about that yet also because they don’t know the game…
They just shoot for the tiers then complain when the tiers win because THEY DONT KNOW THE GAME WELL ENOUGH…
So in conclusion line shifts don’t ruin the game, I know this was brought up in the other threads but it seems to a be a point of concern for a lot of folks.
I think people don’t like line shifting might not like the parry system in sf3. Its a form of evade and attack! It can be abused by ever character just like parries can!
I like RB2-style line shifting more then other games. RB2 simplifies and balances it out.
I hate parries but don’t mind line shifting. Unsure how it works in RBSP- the one thing I did notice is that you can get a ton of damage off a lineshift in RBSP easily, not so much in RB2.
Then again, I think RB2 was designed better in terms of integrating the mechanic in, looking at RB2 Chonrei, he can still fireball trap, but if the other guy line shifts and he’s not more then 2/3rds screen out, he can dash and D/low D to punish it.
I love the RB1 Walls though, it adds strategy to the game, problem is it also leeds to Geese’s infinite.
I just got my battle archives 2! It’s on now! Time to train hard now. The only thing I don’t like is the games are censored! I don’t think blood in fighting games should be censored! They tried with mk and that was stupid also. The sad thing is unless there is a gameshark code we can’t change the censorship levels. I have notice they are missing some frames on attacks on rbs. Tung attacks are faster, but they have less range and priority! I will test more shit to see if this version is tournament worthy!
wtf, why? at least the jpn version isn’t. hord choice isn’t it? US text and censored, or jpn text without censors. since i got the jpn version, and own all of them OG on the neo cdz i wont be getting the US version. if i wanna read the story, ill plug in my cdz.
Are the EX characters banned in RBS? I know that Geese is banned, he is like the spiritual successor to ST Akuma, lol!
I’ve been practicing with EX Andy and Krauser recently. A couple days ago I battled my friend with EX Andy and won most of the matches (while at the same time learning how to use EX Andy). His teleport attack is pretty good for mind games, though I did get thrown once while doing it (note to self do not spam teleport attack often).
I was trying to land some decent combos with EX Andy, one of them was like:
:df:+:snka: :snkc: :snkc: :snkc:, :bdp:+:snkb:.
I was surprized that I landed the RDP move. Provided that he is not banned, what do I need to know when playing EX Andy?