Well, if you’re going to play him, you gotta know how to be cheap with it! Or at least when/when not to use the electricity:
Because you build LOTS of meter even if you whiff, it does LOTS of guard bar damage. You can follow it up with customs and it’s fun to annoy people with it.
After cross up j.Forward (Don’t even bother to RC this one)
Against poke heavy people (Other Blankas, Sagat, Cammy, Rolento).
As anti air, it’s free damage, you have the chance to follow it up with a custom if you want to/can.
Just whiff a bunch to build meter, “intimidate”.
After a whiff Jab/Strong ball. You can use the ball to cross up and do electricity then or just land in front of them.
Whiff something long enough for you to do the piano method (Fierce, Strong, Jab, Roll -> Fierce or Jab) or (Jab, Strong, Fierce, Roll -> Fierce or Jab). The jab version is the best one to use to whiff to build meter. Most people will either do c.Short/c.Forward, dash, or command hop to set it up.
It’s sort of quick, in 2 parts. The initial “piano” (Fierce, Strong, Jab) or (Jab, Strong, Fierce) is part 1, then the roll -> Jab/Fierce. The initial problems that you will most likely encounter are pressing two buttons at the same time during the piano or doing the piano too slow and have the roll come out instead of the electricity.
Couple practice runs, you’ll be a champ in no time!
is there any way to RC the electricity so that a jab doesn’t come out, because I keep getting hit by my jab whiffing. do i need to whiff a c.fwd then RC so that just the c.fwd comes out then the RC elec comes out? help, anybody? im a die hard k-groover tryin to learn a little C so that I don’t get kicked out of a tourny cuz of A.
what is the best hand position to use? like how should your hands be positioned before it, and how after the piano? you should only use 1 hand to do it right?
and how many punches need to be pushed to register electricity?
wow, thanks a lot for that vid. i have a few questions…
besides the look of it, is there any technical way you can see if you RC’ed the electricity (like some option in training mode)?
i just want to know if i got your method correct- you’re going from fierce to strong to jab, then hitting roll just before you hit hp right? is that all?
can you encode/make the first video in the same format of the second one? i can view the second one, but not the first for some reason…(or point me in the direction of the proper codec).
I watched both versions of the RC electricity [fast and slow]. I didn’t see any whiffings of moves during the slow one so I don’t think he whiffed anything. Actually, the standing hp at the beginning of the piano acted as his whiff. God that shit’s fast.
I have a question: Are there any easy combos into electricity? I was thinking flying hk, B and mp-1 hit, [serves as a whiff so you can lp,hp,lp,hp or lp causing the] Electricity. Is this or something like it possible?
Something that may or may not work, it’s just a thought right now: If you’re familiar with OTHER ways of roll cancelling (yeah, instead of the traditional d, df+roll, f+fierce you can ALSO do d+roll+fierce, df, f+roll+fierce or d, df+roll+fierce, f+roll+fierce and they DO work, sometimes a lot better than the really fast transition way you’re familiar with). Anyway, my thought is, if the game register EVERY punch/kick press for electricity or anything else, wouldn’t that method I said above work for RC electricity as well? Cause if you do dash and mash on two punch buttons, electricity still comes out, so…you do the math. The method would look like:
what’s the timing to RC electricity from a hop? at what point in the hop do i need to start the piano string for the electricity? I’m guessing that it’s near the end…is it:
lol i have no idea how u did that after watching the video 15+ both slow and normal. im a newbie to fighting games though… so i guess tahts why, maybe ill have a chance to see u do this at atown