Razer Atrox for 360 for in person ST

Quick question for experienced people. I own a Razer Atrox Xbox 360 version, it’s great enough for my skill level for playing on my PC locally or Fightcade.

If I were to take it to any in person Super Turbo (cps2) events what additional hardware if anything would I need to play? I don’t have access to a machine to test it on. It registers in Windows 10 as an xinput.

That would highly depend on what the CPS2 setup at these locals you’re going to are connected to.

CPS2, being an arcade board, is natively setup with a JAMMA connector, which has all the inputs (directionals and buttons) as individual signals.

Depending on the setup of the CPS2 boards, you could go from needing absolutely nothing (ie, plug-and-play with your Atrox’s USB cable) to needing some sort of adapter, but to… something. We really don’t have any info on how the setup is at your local scene to be able to make a proper recommendation.

i would just remap all the buttons to the Street Fighter default Layout… that is for 360


Because it’s hard (not impossible, but tricky) to remap buttons on a UD-USB Board :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your help. I will try to test, I just didn’t want to have to buy a different stick to go to things like evo or combobreaker and play ST sides.

This is all assuming we actually have large in person fight events next year and aren’t staring at burned conference centers and flooded hospitals.