Rashid players really need to get good at anti airing with ALL of his anti-airs. st. short, cr. strong, H Mixer, M mixer and EX mixer. I also have (mistakenly) anti-air with cr. HP before.
I played a Necalli online that gave me some trouble, partly because I was messing up but also because I had trouble against his dive kick. If Necalli jumps, there is nothing wrong with doing H spinning mixer a little bit early to catch him trying to mix up dive kick and jump in BEFORE he gets a chance to. If you hit them with H spinning mixer, you can meaty. I still think this match is very much in Rashid’s favor. Its just hard for Necalli to do what he wants until he has V-trigger. So my strategy is against him now is to push him to the corner and make him burn his v-reversal/make him do a bad DP and kill him for it. You can totally go in as long as you stay away from L spinning mixer “mix ups” (which I feel like I do too much sometimes).
I think Cammy vs. Rashid is alot tougher than I thought as well. I had it 5-5, I think its 6-4 Cammy or 5.5-4.5 Cammy now. Cammy’s anti airs are extremely strong and she BODIES him in footsies. Cammy’s having trouble in this match-up should just walk Rashid to the corner and dive kick when you have an opportunity. Rashid players HAVE to make Cammy players divekick. This is the only situation (besides Cammy’s back to the wall) where I think Rashid can take advantage of a match. When I want Cammy players to jump, I whiff cr. shorts and throw random WWS’s. People (Cammy players esp) are looking to jump over WWS every chance they can so they can all the way take over a match. By whiffing cr. shorts and a fake WWS buffer, they’ll jump. That’s when you use your best anti-air. Now, EX cannon strike is unfuckwitable without meter from the majority of my exp with that move. I hit her out of it with a cr. MP before (another mistake), but I always save a meter so I can blow up potential EX cannon strikes. Way more consistent. When EX Cannon Strike trades with H spinning mixer, if both characters quick stand, I wanna say Cammy is in an advantage, so I don’t even try it.
Something I’ve been doing against Cammy and characters with good low forwards is throwing out st. RH in anticipation of it. Play around with Cammy’s and other characters low forwards and see where you would press low forward at with whatever character, and when you get in that low forward range, throw out st. RH. I also whiffed punished low forward with cr. HP (cause I am GOD), so you can get very creative and optimal with your whiff punishing of that button.
BTW, ran into Dieminion’s Guile online. SMFH. I never played so patient in my life. I think this match-up isn’t the worst for Rashid anymore, but I think its REALLY tough for Rashid to fight Guile. That v-skill is really a pain in the ass. In that match-up, I feel like Rashid can’t play reactionary whatsoever in the neutral. If only ground EX Eagle Spike was projectile invincible :bawling: