Rashid General Thread: Desert Storm - second new character

I love that we have another American representative. Can you imagine if he was actually Middle Eastern? He might actually sound different than the guy serving you Starbucks in the morning.

I am Rashid of the Turbulent Wind, and I would appreciate if you would leave a tip!

His theme definitely needs to be similar to the middle east levels in Crash 3

This shit was so inspired!

Yep, as a guy who studies counterterrorism, that is the biggest fallacy people make when examining terrorism.

Shit, for the longest time the deadliest terrorist groups were communists.

He looks like a jihad camel jockey. . . therefore, terrorist.


To be fair for the people mocking the scouter, someone whose power is wind SHOULD have something to cover his eyes. Lot of dust you would kick up on a regular basis.

Of course, you need to really cover BOTH eyes with something like a pair of goggles instead of preparing to search for some Namekians, but hey, whatever floats his boat.

Middle eastern guy on 9/11…oh capcom!

A lot better than Necalli. I like his style!

Wish capcom could do voices like Tekken

Can someone make a pic of Rashid in the Ginyu Force?

Needs one eye free so he can wink at you obnoxiously while yelling “Yahoo!”

How long does it usually take Capcom to release the official arts for a character?

What are you man, 12?

I’m the only one to thought about Ramon seeing him in the trailer ?

There’s kinda the same vibe.

Noticed his scouter-thing flashed when he does his V-Reversal.

It makes so much less sense then making them with an uppercut.

I’m OK with his design, hoooowevvvverr, he looks extremely annoying as a character, one of those I don’t care about fundamentals, just roll the dice type deals

I like the design of this guy. He looks like a mix-up monster.

An Uppercut that breaks the rules of nature?

A Upper like that would be Criminal!

how about this for his theme?

gameplay footage

starts at 1:19