Ranked Match Filter

3000 pp with a 8000 bp character…

when i make rooms I specifically put “more skilled”…
Despite this i still get scrubs with 0pp/0bp all the time…
not even the endless warriors who are good yet have no points, i’m talkin about people who seem to have just bought the game…

if the filter doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do is there no way to weed out really fresh noobies? they’re kinda a waste of time…

The lobby filter isn’t a real filter in the sense that it matches you up against people of your EXACT specifications. It doesn’t prevent low levels from joining. It more or less is just a label for your specific room, saying, “I’m looking for a specific range of opponent of these requirements.” It does not do anything to prevent anyone from actually joining, it just informs people. It’s kinda ineffective though, because I’ll put down “Chatty” for MvC3 or something like that, and the only guys who join, don’t say a word, don’t act friendly, nothing.

Capcom may have these labels for their lobbies, but everyone ignores them and just joins anyway, cause everyone is just looking for a win to add to their statistics on Live. The goods ones are the ones that talk with you and take the time to learn instead of jumping from match to match.

Just make a 1v1 endless and sit there and play.

Not everyone has had the chance to maybe play as long as you have and garnered the skill you have. So give back to the community :stuck_out_tongue:

what the hell??? What the heck does that have ANYTHING to do with the question i asked… you in your own little world or something?

I’m pretty sure the filters do work. A lot of the time when I choose higher or equal skilled, I’ll have zero matches returned. Then I choose any skill and get a whole slew of low ranked players to play against. It’s not worthless. You get better at playing people that are super random and don’t care about throwing out super unsafe stuff.

Oh, I just saw that you are talking about setting up endless lobbies. Not sure how that works. Maybe it’s like other matchmaking where it searches by filter first, and if it can’t find anything it just returns anything that is available.