Rank 0 Glitch?

I was playing earlier and after finishing a match, my Rank dropped to 0. I was originally 25, but now there is no green exp bar. In place of the bar seems like an exp count but shown like: -52450/0. Every match that I win seems to make the # go down even more. Does anyone have any ideas or have experienced this issue? Don’t really care about my rank, but it was interesting issue and would rather not people send me hate messages saying I am a fake noob @_@;

Yeah it resets after that level. You can go around more than once as well. Supposedly the patch is going to fix it.

Rank starts at 1 anyway though, right?

I remember Xbox 1 ranks started at “R”

Several of us are also Rank 0 and if we ever get any hate mail its probably not going to be about that.

It happens to everyone when they exceed 32767 exp. Every value between there and 65535 is considered to be negative, so it puts your rank at 0. Once you get another 32767, you’ll be at rank 1 again.

I got back to one again today. feels odd being a rank 0 because people who don’t know of the glitch don’t take you seriously.