Random Tip Thread

Inspired by Buk’s tip of the day, maybe we can add our own quick tips, since this part of the forum is just dead. And if one of us is wrong, correct them nicely, so this won’t be a flame war thread.

S-Bison trick - fake a charge to set up his slide, hold the charge for about a second preferably for me, 3/4 away from the screen, then slide. This really works agaisnst those who never seen S-groove used before.

with geese, use only :lp: and :mp: shippukens, since the :hp: version creates a higher bounce, and more vulnerable frames on landing.

dont forget to taunt nearly raged k-groovers when your character is nearly dead. this will rage them and take away the meter they’ve built for the next round.

edit: also, if you are using k-groove, and both of you have very little life left, lose the round on purpose (except certain conditions like full a-groove bar). when the next round starts, eat a hit or two (a safe hit, eg i do canon spike and get hit by s.:hk:) and then finish off their character. this way you can get more meter, and with the time bonus, lose no life. its a little risky, but i prefer to do this when i can.

also let them do the super on you so it builds your meter if you are using a charge sharing groove.

not trying to be a dick but is buk’s thread around?

or did it die in the crash?


Searching does wonders.

My tip’s in your butt and the rest is waiting to go in.

Random Akuma tip:

His DP does 3 hits, 1200/400/300 damage. For one of his BnBs, (c.lk c.lk, lk hurricane kick, dragon punch juggle) wait until the last second, so that the one hit is the first of the dragon punch. This will do roughly 800 more damage for minimal effort.

Good topic,

Random useless already known tip: Turtle against Any groove Blanka yields the best results.

Thats the worst idea i’ve ever heard. A pixel character has the potential to win the whole match, haven’t you ever seen my sagat before? Why would you risk that much damage potential to get a little bit of meter that you were going to get anyways?

Watch your asses at Evo 2k5!!! It’s about to be Episode 3 in that muthafucka!!!

 -B. :tup:  :tdown:       "Geronimo War Destroyer !!!"

I think he means in desperate situations, taunt would waste someones K groove. Although I don’t see how the second situation would work either; as a throw would probably do sufficient damage to ‘rage’ the K groove.

just because winning the whole round usually doesnt happen without meter. you’re right in that, yes they can win the rest of the match, but hey, i figure its free meter, and all i have to do to win the round is trade off a few hits. in a k-groove vs. k-groove fight, this can be pretty useful to know. for example if both you and your opponent have barely any life left, and you win the round, this can actually turn into an advantage for the other player (especially if the fight ran out the clock). now when the next round starts, you’re going to land a few hits, bring up his rage, and he’ll kick your ass. now you’re both on your second character. and the round was very short. his life bar has probably reovered to a :hp: worth of damage by now, but his rage bar could be halfway or more. which leaves the guy with super, while you dont have any for yourself. this is especially bad because k-groove determines meter build on your part by the type of hit that you take, not the strength of it. so eating a fierce punch + 35% rage bonus = eating a fierce punch. so yeah a lot of times this may not be useful, but it definately is great to know when you’re playing against another k-groover.

edit: sometimes in this situation, i’ll win the match and stand there so they can just finish off my first character. that doesnt give them any kind of advantage when my second character comes in.

neverthless, thinking of killing off ure own character and leaving the other with a pixel of a life is not a good idea, cause, as UCRollerblader pointed out, u might pay dearly in the end for this “idea”.

Taunting a K-Groove player to waste the last bit of their meter is a good idea… dying on purpose for a meter advantage isn’t.

From full screen, if you have almost no health, and they have almost a full Rage bar, toss out a taunt. Now that forces them to use their rage against a character with no health, which basically wastes it, so they cannot rage against your full health character. A throw will not always work, it is risky because going for a throw and eating a poke will not rage them… a taunt guarantees the rage.

Now, onto random corner juggles with King:

King can link her f, d, df K move in the corner after most of her attacks (including the b, d, db K multi hit move). Experiment with different combos, she has some that can nearly dizzy somebody using the juggles.

random king tip: land a j.:hk: > roll > throw

opponent goes OMGWTFBBQ

my friend did this to eric choi :tup:

random rolls are fun

edit: no need to comment how stupid that tactic is(i already know its stupid), its just insanely funny to see it actually work

Yeah, that whole kill yourself for meter is probably not a good tactic, especially in a K on K battle. Y’all remember that JDing gives you life back, right? A good K-groover hit you a couple times, JD life back, hit you some more…by that time they run away and make you come after them, running precious life gaining seconds off the round. By the time you kill them, you may not be able to recover the life lost with the meter gained. Plus, if they hit you 3 times and taunt, you might lose your meter too = S.O.L.

Hmm…throw tricks on Zim…

Rock has a pretty buff Anti Air game, one of the best in the game. His command counter is a 100% counter (not sure about supers though) his s.hk beats most jumpins, and his c.mp beats a lot of crossups. His j.mk/lk has rolento~esque j.lp priority.

eh, i don’t think it matters too much, but his crack counter doesn’t work on spiral arrow. (at least not 100% of the time.)

you need to do a high counter to counter special moves. And no, it doesn’t counter supers. Only Geeses’s counter supers (the lp/High version). note that for geese, high counters are used to counter all specials/supers, even low hitting ones (Sagat’s tiger raid for example). Rock is similar with special moves (use the high counter to counter cammy’s spiral arrow).