Random thought

Here’s a random thought I just had which is kind of amusing.

In ST, if you press a light button and a heavy button at the same time, then the game will perform the light attack. ie, if you press jab and strong at the same time, then you’ll do a jab.

But the thing is that if you press jab alone you dont have the ability to tech a throw if you actually got thrown instead of getting your jab out. You can only tech throws with medium and heavy strength buttons.

So then it seems to me that if you ever press a light button up close to your opponent, then you’re strictly better off pressing a medium strength button along with it.

For example, say Im Ryu and Im playing against Cammy. Cammy is walking towards me and Im afraid Im about to get thrown. I may have enough time to get out a low short to stop her but I might not. So I can mash short and forward kick at the same time and I’ll get an option select: short kick if it has enough time to come out, and a throw tech if it doesnt.

I do this in some situtaions. You need to make sure your standing when you press the p/k x2. It works. It is not game changing but every little bit helps.

Why? I don’t think that’s necessary.

It’s not necessary to tech a throw. I think Fatboy was thinking that you were trying to say you could option-select low-short and throw, instead of throw tech.

This is an interesting concept though. Here’s my question, if you’re right next to a guy and you’re standing and press back + LP + MP, do you get a light punch or do you throw? If the throw out-prioritizes the LP then this might be helpful, because if you time your throw too early, while they’re still in block/hit-stun, it’d be better to whiff a LP than a MP. But if that motion makes you always LP instead of throw, then its probably better to just tech missed throws manually, which isn’t too hard if you expect it.

On a tangent note, I almost always double tap when I go to throw. The side effect of this is that if we both try to throw and I end up getting thrown I tech it almost all of the time.

You get the light punch actually.