Who’s getting disconnected randomly a lot lately? :mad:
There were a bunch of SRKers on last night, and I swear these 6 man lobby rooms would not only drop, but sign you out of PSN. WTF? It’s been happening more often this week.
Who’s getting disconnected randomly a lot lately? :mad:
There were a bunch of SRKers on last night, and I swear these 6 man lobby rooms would not only drop, but sign you out of PSN. WTF? It’s been happening more often this week.
Okay apparently it’s a PSN issue, found a few threads on it… but it doesn’t really explain anything…
Just got kicked out right now.
I would turn my PS3 on and it would sign in but as soon as I get into a room, i get signed out.
it’s psn
and also yer ISP . . . they don’t like p2p so much. Weaksos.
it’s been happening to me for a long while. it’s more frequent in HDR, which is annoying.
your right djmassif, now I’m used to DCing but in the past 2 nites I’ve been getting kicked completely off the playstation network. Its really begining to piss me off!
happened to me a lot last night. i freakin hate psn. nothing worse than losing the first round to a total scrub, then getting d/c before the second round starts so it looks like you had to pull on a scrub.
I’ve been having this problem too the last few days.
This happens to me ALL the time and i have a great connection >=( thanks to this i have a 2% disconnect when it’s like The last Champ. match didnt finish correctly so youll have to start over greaaat =/
This also happens to me a lot. I already changed the DNS servers, and a buch of other stuff but still the same crap.
omg that disconnect % ratio better go away, how did capcom fucked up like this. Can anyone explain to me how reasonable for someone to win a championship mode tourney only to get your points taken away and left with an increased disconnect %? wtf