I hope someone here knows what I’m talking about and will be able to help me with this-
Once every 100 matches±, for one match only, I enter a state(?) which I started calling “Random Mode”.
I start going berserk-offensive and all my habits disappear and I’m playing like a totally different person.
I start doing things I usually never do and I just “go with the flow” instead of planning every attack. The opponent gets all WTF and gets raped for free.
After the KO sign it ends and the next battle I play like my usual self.
The problem is that I can’t enter Random Mode on command. It comes in rare and random times like an “enlightenment” for 1 match only.
It actually makes some sort of logical sense to occasionally play against your grain against a familiar opponent. Against Joe Scrub it wont help you any, but against a player who knows your tendencies, and you know your tendencies, switching things around once in a while will wreck the yomi game.
Maybe that’s why my friend told me I was pissed while I don’t remember being angry at the time…(when I’m angry I lose badly)
I’m not sure myself, but since it temporarily ERASES all the patterns it’s a powerful tool (it always granted me a quick win) and I don’t like it being so rare… trying to find out what causes this and how I can get it when I want it (that’s why I opened this thread).
Good to see I’m not alone on this one…
After a bunch of matches, my attention span usually goes out the window and I start trying ridiculous shit. And as someone pointed out earlier, after a bunch of matches of the same shit, pulling random moves out of your ass would probably get you at least one win.
This is the same thing that happened to Michael Jordan when he hit an absurd amount of 3-pointers in a game (which, at the time, wasn’t something he did often) and couldn’t do anything but look over at the announcers’ table and shrug as he got back on defense.
It’s called…“the zone”. How do you get there? Play and don’t think about “the zone”…just play. Eventually, what you do will become instinctive and muscle memory will kick in. You can be in the zone doing anything (work, play, whatever)…but you can’t try to be in the zone. It’s just something that happens.
no that’s not it. when i’m doing it i’m 100% in the game. and i’m not talking about doing ridiculous shit that is totally foolish in theory. i mean more like doing new weird patterns you never do usually.