Random ass theory fighting vids

Yes London. The Christmas Stage!!!

Sagat’s A Pirate!!!

the cancel does less damage, the POTENTIAL mixup == more damage, but i really doubt it’ll work. looks cool though. maybe it’ll work in a real match.

btw, i uploaded some more vids, on some of the vids i forgot to change it from training mode.

i didn’t go to london, i’ll do it on the next run.
i have some N-rock mixups(HIGHLY situational) that involves cross up small jump xx deadly rave, reset, the corner c.strong jpn mixup thing into the "looks like " crossup rh into fierce xx shine knuckle. however i had a big headache when trying to get it recorded i just went to do something a little easier.

i had dreams of this N-E.ryu j.strong, run under, pop demon setup, but i cant’ get the crossup, so it’s just j.strong, run up pop demon and that didnt’ look funny or cool enough so i dumped that too. sorry.

forget it,i think i misunderstood.

im just saying a lvl 2 cancel is less dmg than your vid. thats what i meant. and your vid its written to make me believe you are saying a lvl 2cancel does MORE than your vid.

hey allen
please stop wasting webspace


no, you should use your real name on myspace.

Comment: Hak wanted this, i think i can end with a super? too lazy to figure it out. its funny if you havent’ seen it before. i didn’t make it up at all.

Comment: 6K psycho crusher punish, after that, you can always tech throws and kara into KKK against psychic activate for the rest of the game. IN THEORY

Comment: I was working on my Evil Ryu demon setups, then i got lazy and did something easier. This was the result. Its based off the old “glitch” that you can do on rolento and dan.

Comment: Here’s the throw custom. 7K more or less. i got like 200+ views in the first hour of uploading this. I really shouldn’t have used that title ;-/

you repeated the rolento combo link twice, edit post?

man if these are readily available at your arsenal with no execution mishaps, i would drive to sac to play you. only so i can cheese it out with blanka and kill all that effort muahaha…j/k j/k

allen doing the nasty with a-maki

That rolento custom was fuckin dumb. -_-

theres an osaka player named saw with the same team…so i think it might be him instead…? check out this page http://cvs2event.exblog.jp/

at that most recent tourney, his a-maki was on fire. just every maki poke/ rc/ random activate/ wall jumps mixups were hitting…until he ran into rai.

speaking of maki i saw something here that i havent seen in videos before. maki rc qcf lk lk (so just the run and stop) to go past things honda’s rc hands to get close to him.

invincible dash? hehe i wonder if it’s better than blanka’s rc hop.

allen if you want your throw custom to look better use an a-groove sakura as your helpless dummy so you get more damage. same with the rest of the vids…

also you don’t remember that chicken blocking stuff? you know where sagat does it and c.lk’s into pretty much anything, and the specific setups and crap

a little late reponse but…

i still dont’ remember that :stuck_out_tongue:

Comment: i’ve taken it kara dp to a new level! :open_mouth:


that vid is sick. watched it like 100 times at work.

I have a request, record someone doing shoshosho with mashing mp for dps.

Maybe try midscreen lvl2 super xx LP roll, LP DP, kara lvl1 up super?

No? Well, how about something more practical? At certain ranges near the corner, C-Ken can do lvl2 super xx LP roll, MP DP (2 hits), lvl1 up super. The timing is very easy once you get the spacing right. Look for the farthest possible range from the corner where Ken’s MP DP will land him just close enough to the corner for the lvl1 up super to connect. Also, try to do the MP DP as early as possible while still connecting with both hits. If you are too close to the corner, the second hit of the MP DP will connect too soon and the opponent will fall too soon.

I do this combo in matches sometimes, when i notice that the second hit of the MP DP connect later than usual. I’m usually going for MP DP by default anyway. There’s actually a range where you’re too far away from the corner to do lvl1 up super after LP DP, but using MP DP allows you to do it. So not entirely practical but maybe conditionally practical.

Anyway it looks cool when you do it in a match, and the more fans you have the easier it is to win forum arguments. Protips bitches.

counter attack to level 2 works too random>?


I need a better camera -_-

allen, you are still the best at cvs2. you know wayyyyyyyy more about this fuckin game than i do. i’ll still play you with p-kyosuke, bison, and iori any DAY though. <3

allen just quit.