Random ass theory fighting vids

now all of you know where i got my skills.

haha i aint hating. good shit nonetheless.

now allen, find me a full screen anti air CC

YEAH FOO. FIND US THE GOD ANTI AIR CC. Let’s see those a-maki CCs.

Request: Hey allen, can you make a video of you doing a honda midscreen CC? i want to see. shit’s always tight.

warcraft authentication services is down :(.


^ the first 2/3 letters of each word are the same… coincidence? I think not!

Allen hits me with that anti’air CC sometimes, and I do feel violated =(. A-Maki is built to rape A groove… since maki’s KK instant kick thing can be done anytime, and can even be kara’d out of some of her normals, it’s so annoying!

I think A-maki is one of the better A groove characters in the game, with that KK special that can be kara’d, it has an extreme advantage over other A grooves (counter activates, inturrupts like everything). Also the only way I can see A groove landing a CC against her, is if you bait it with a command hop back, or a activate -> neutral stand outside of her KK range. And her 720 ender makes any CC well worth the bar. There is a japanese A-maki player who is really amazing (or so some buddies tell me) named VERSION, and this guy exploits all of her RC specials to bait loads of supers from other A groovers. I can see things like RC run forward -> run back hop. Some recent videos of him can be found on Kim’s website @ www.crazyasskim.com (video section), listed as the “A-maki sakura chun-li player”.


^ the first 2/3 letters of each word are the same… coincidence? I think not!


i have some customs that i’m working with maki that does decent damage for various situations.

i only know the honda midscreen cc where he goes back and forth with headbutts, and i didnt’ make it up, i could record it and post it anyways though.

yep, it was great to finally have some matches where i can sort of hold my own against your A-are. too bad you went gay on me and switched to team mago, where if vega fails to kill honda, maki get fast fowarded like a porno intro.

i’d post some matches where i land shit with A-maki like:
-try to tech A-bison’s throw attempt but he activates and i have a s.fierce coming out and i kara that into KKK(failed like once out of 15 times or something like that), so i can nearly avoid all random activates
-he uses rolento and puts me in a position where its good to random activate, i activate, he counter activates, i KKK his ass into my 7k custom anyways.
-i can “safely” attempt her throw–>activate setup(instead of activate throw) because:1)if he activates, while i’m trying to throw, i can always kara into KKK, 2)if i activate too late after the throw, i always have my KKK on his wakeup into mixup(overhead kek), which is safe on block

HOWEVER, i cannot post these matches because popo RESETS the game whenever i beat him. its considered blasphemy for me to win

luckily for you guys, i have this match where he ocv’s me with K-ryu in the most distrubing way.


when i upload this vid, you will understand 3 important things:
1)ALWAYS RC jab ball with vega or you lose(vega vs ryu)
2)don’t screw up RCs, and if you do, don’t continue to ATTEMPT to rc and lose the match in the dumbest way possible(maki vs ryu)
3)dumb luck is a factor in many matches, do not doubt it. why the fuck did all my normals lose (blanka vs ryu)

i also have many more matches where i get ocv’ed. and seeing how they are the only matches that get recorded(shakes fist), you guys will see how far theory fighting gets me in a real match.:sweat:

  • Alpha2 pro.

blasphemy indeed.

and i’ll own u in A2.:rock:

I’m going to take a guess and say that a first you were worried about him JDing all your stuff. Then when the match got to Blanka, you were worried about getting out of the corner? Maybe?

Don’t worry about the JD’s. Just build meter.
Also you were using the command runs a bit too much with Maki. Do st. forward more.

1)i wasn’t really worried about him Jding, i just stop doing RC jab balls, when he threw fireballs, instead of RCing through it, i just took the block stun, which eventually led him to get some jumps on me due to me having poor reactions and not having much momentum to work with

2)i was just testing stuff, my execution is shit, but what i was going for was a psuedo RC scouter hop whoring rolento style. the command run forwards were supposed to RC punch.

3)at this point, i didnt’ really care, but he was stuffing everything i threw out, i panicked after getting stuffed multiple tmes in a row. then (though there was no sound), i started cursing at him and doing really obvious stuff and died a horrible way.

i didnt’ really expect help on that vid, i know where my main flaws were. i just wanted to show everyone that i like getting ocv’ed.

I like hitting roll at db then qcf+P, seems easier. Especially when rolling from standing block or crouching block or neutral (not blocking though) Helps keep the kick input out of the way.

Hey I was wondering do you like going for shorts to Shine Knuckle instead of DNR for style points, or is it for simplicity’s sake?

I ask because you could’ve gotten the same amount of damage or greater combo’ing in the DNR and then running up with the Rising Tackle, and while you did hit confirm it aren’t there ghetto mixups off blocked DNR’s with Rock?

i usually go for shine knuckle cuz i can get that motion off more consistantly than deadly rave off a s.short. no idea why.

i would have practiced going into rave, but i prefer the autopilot mixup options after landing shine knuckle(DUNK!11).

about the maki rc punch, i have some bad habits in regards of negatively edging, i still randomly get c.short xx flip kick with vega when i’m trying for ball. i know how to do it, just too lazy to muscle train myself to do it naturally. :-/ it’ll be something i’ll work on along the way as i lose games more and more off execution error than footsies :slight_smile:

K-Bolo Yeung > *

Whenever I have access to broadband I make it a point to check out these vids. But why no sound?

Nice thread. I really like the idea and some of the stuff that’s been posted so far. I’m gonna start using that Ken kara dp against chun. It could also be used as an anti crossup. My friend was showing me how it can catch characters that’ll fly right over you (ex: Shoto Air hurricane across the screen)

no sound cuz i’m using my mom’s friend’s donated digicam.
why dont’ i buy one that can get sound? i’m chinese, i dont’ need to say anymore.

too bad you have to have both:
1)chun fuck up her super
2)you have NO super bar or she’s about to die and you want to save bar

for it to have full effect.

hehe isn’t your mom Taiwanese? :karate: They really like to make that distinction for pride reasons…go to loveboat next year!!! :hitit:

anyway make some more movies, maybe some of that chicken blocking stuff we talked about a long time ago

don’t ever talk about my mom and use “:hitit:” in the same post again.:annoy:

what chicken blocking stuff? i dont’ recall thinking up anything interesting in addition to chicken blocking.

record and post, and remember. no ugly ass traning mode stage.

i’ll get some done by next week.

today, 3 midterms
tomorrow, mc/ony/cvs2 casuals
sat,(if i find a ride) i have to go take last place in cvs2 and get 5th in 3s.
sun, maybe work on vids?

im feeling those youtube vids Vas. and didnt you mean to say it does MORE dmg than any lvl 2 cancel? for that sagat mixup/cancel thingy?


DO IT!!!