RAMDOMFEST! 3S,SF4 and more! Chinatown Fair New York,NY 06/20/09

Ok back again with a FRESH NEW tournament!

Since money is tight these days and SF4 is 1$ per play I’ve decided to host a eco-friendly tournament.


Sign ups @ 12:30pm
Tournament Starts @ 1:30pm

Entry fee for all games is 1$

3s 2v2
SF4 2v2

Format for each team game is:

Pokemon style
Single elem
winner takes all $$$

Also for 3s Me and frenzii will be hosting another Mikado style tournament since the last one went well!

Mikado 3s:Singles

Single elem
Winner takes all

Each person picks 2 characters. When a person loses a match he switches to his 2nd character same goes for player 2 and so on.

You can’t swich your character or order durring the tournament.

For Randoms:

When you sign up and pay I’m gonna put your name on a index card and then shuffle all the names in a deck and pick out from them. Whoever’s 2 names I pick at a time will be a team. OH! you can have 2 of the same characters on a team, So if I pick player A who plays with Chun and Player B who plays with Chun as well they’re team is allowed.

If people wanna run Blazblue and KOF12 let me know I won’t mind lettting people run it.




Please sanwa buttons are not like happ american buttons they are very light and can BREAK EASY! If a button(s) break then we have to wait and the tournament takes LONGER. If I see anyone button mashing or banging on purpose I will hand out DQ’s.


If you are up to 30 mins late and someone lets me know about your lateness I will pass by your match for the longest I can then you go to losers. If people show up 10-15 mins late to sign up i will fill up the byes until there is no more space then you won’t be able to sign up after that.

Please I don’t want anymore people showing up 3-4 hours late into the tournament asking to sign up

Well then…GET HYPE AGAIN!!!

Same time as usual?

…hoping someone steps up to run a BB tourney…:shy:…

I think I’m gonna make it earlier so we can have multiple tournaments. I’ll post the time tonight when I’m on a pc and not a sidekick.

I’ll come this time. $1 entry fee is too good. :smokin:

$1 entry…random teams…possible same characters… AMAZING

You thinking about doing the Mikado after the 2v2?

That one was more hype

I’ll run BB and KOF12 if people show up for it No problem.

Yeah I figured last time that the entry was a little too much so this way people can afford entering and playing:rofl: Nohoho helped me with the random teams Idea. Well the sign-up time and starting time has been posted.

Issei is coming through and he doesn’t mind teaming up with a random partner.

Also Issei vs Lavaheart first to 10 $10.
Get hype!!!

Ft10 is actually happening?


1 dollar entry fee…awesome. I might even play 3s this time.

i’ll try to make it…

Oh shi~ Who got money on who?

I got $10 on Issei.

got 10 on darren… realtalk, if anybody can beat him at cf…lavaheart is the nigga fuk that…get this shit lovebear!!!:nunchuck:

who wants to play me first to 10 for $10?

if youre too good, forget it. only mediocre players :smiley:

Yo Frankie that’s a bet ?

1 dollar? I be in there.

Lavaheart has the spirit. Believe!

He got that yuki spirit. But yuki sucks kuroda is better.
Also lavaheat knows that yuki never beat Issei.