Rally Point: Gameworks

So every time I go out to Gameworks I wonder who might be out there, or what kind of opposition I’ll face…some days there’s little to no one there, other days Backwards Hat Mexican guy is tearing up scrubs, and sometimes everyone gets reamed by some other player who is probably on these boards, but we don’t know who they are.

So this thread is here for people to post when they plan to or are heading out to Gameworks, and to maybe discuss how things went down afterward; tips, tricks, critique, etc. By having like-minded people to play with we can work to improve our game and to meet up with and get to know fellow SRK’ers and locals. Let’s keep our local arcade scene alive and kicking, we’re fortunate to be one of the few places in the U.S. with a decent arcade scene that actually has an SFIV cab readily available to us, let’s make them replace those sticks and buttons as frequently as we can.

LOL, totally know who that dude is too.

Gameworks is definitely hit or miss. After meeting everyone at the tournament and seeing how well it played out, I’m thinking I’m going to try and head down there more often. I’ll probably try and make it down there sometime this weekend, so +1 to the weekend crew…

I’m the other akuma that usually goes down there (theres an asian kid who wears headphones all the time who is the only person ive seen play him). I usually head down with a couple of my friends like every 2 weeks. I’ll prolly head down this weekend

I’m there all the time. I’m always lookin for challenges there since no one really goes there any more. I’m that asian guy who plays ken.

I’d head down at some point but I’m broke as well as scared to drive/try to park in seattle since I just learned stick shift.

I could drive to the Park ‘n’ Rob and take the bus downtown… but I hear kinda gross things about the cabinet, so meh.

that asian kid with head phones is a dick. he doenst even say shit but his attitude when he plays just screams douche bag. like how he stares at his opponent when he hits them with demon. and how he looks at the sicks when he gets thrown 20 times in a row (very wizard-ish). oh and hes greased me from my turn a few times cuz i was waiting behind the wrong cab.

Yeah is that backwards hat guy on SRK? He’s ALWAYS there. The moment I sit down with my Zangief, I enjoy a win or two, and then his alarm goes off, he comes out of the cave from behind the machine, sits down all smug with Sagat, and it’s OVA.

BWHM is not on srk lol. all you gotta do is bait him and sweep. dont get fancy. i know thats a rough match using gief

LOL so true. Every time I’m there, he’s been there with Sagat, same thing. LOL at BWHM, got to love that name.

If by chance he’s at Gameworks whenever I go there and he does that to me, I’m gonna blow kisses to him. It’s gonna be awesome. :lovin: :rofl:

Heading out in a few hours (thurs, April 30) hope to see some peeps.

Hit it up tonight, met a lotta peeps who should be coming out to GC this Sunday…gg’s all around, and nice meetin ya Josh…i gotta zone better… :confused:

BWHM is legend to gameworks. Let it be known that he has been playing for nearly 5 months, and still hasn’t improved. Same old, mash on sweep, dragon punch, or ultra…

3 attacks, and honestly, what more do you need other then these 3 attacks other then a valid strategy and better tactics?

He is legend, BWHM is not to be taken lightly. The only player I’ve ever seen to not progress after being beaten down hundreds of times…he is legend.

yeah man we need more akumas in seattle =)

yeah LTB looked kinda salty about losing. its ok to lose. and i dont think hes played a total turtle akuma. but i didnt do too bad rushing him either.

Last night was pretty fun we just need more variety of players that go here. I like gameworks but man they gotta take off that stupid 10 win cap.

206’er what up. Nice meetin ya…Chris? i think? but yeah, Preppy’s tonight and Gameclucks on sunday. You’ll get your dose of variety at these events broski, show up!

Tryin to get him to cut that garbage out, maybe re-introduce him back into the scene, provided people want that…i mean, we sorted out the NW/canada beef, right?

Nasty, they have a 10-win cap? How do they enforce it?

This one’s a bit different…more or less years of resentment compared to months of resentment.

After 10 you get a game over screen :confused:

And again, I’m not totally familiar with this, but if he’s willing to change the name of his game then maybe? im just a hopeful i guess…

Take it like this dude…I WAS cool with him, idolized him, hung out with him for about 1 and a half years…was his “star pupil.” And after all was said and done…even I don’t want to hang out with him.