ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your streamers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ - Stream Discussion

So I got this game early and have been playing the hell out of it. Right now stream is one of my top favorites and someone i’d really like to open a discussion about.
I should also say, I am in no way a fighting game hardcore pro, but I just really love this game, so if I sound like an idiot, I apologize.

First though, lets list all his skills.

Double jump - Stream must, in some combination, move twice in the air before he can kick. He can dive twice, kick back twice, dive and then kick back, or kick back and jump. You can hit your second move anytime during your dive up or decent down. This allows for some good maneuvering and getting out of bad situations but it is very easy to corner yourself quick.

Misdirection - Stream’s biggest unique skill is his ability to control his kicks midair. After you kick holding the dive button will angle stream up horizontally, and holding kick will angle him back down to the ground vertically. Stream is a heat seeking head shot missile with this skill.

Air Skill: Flamebait - The cheaper of his two moves, Stream will spit out a fireball, which will lay fire on the ground. If an opponent lands in the flames they will be launched up, ready for an attack. If you land in the fire, you get fire legs, increasing the size of your hit box (kickbox?) temporarily and (as far as I can tell) making your hit box invincible. I may be wrong on this but i’ve had a few matches that looked like they should have been double k.o.'s that I won due to being on fire.

another nice part of flamebait is that much like Kenny’s air spirit bullet or Jefailey’s disqualification, using flamebait will keep you airborn and push you back slightly. Very good for retreating from a kick in the air.

Ground Skill: Sp00by pls - Stream’s ground skill will create a double with buffing problems while you go invisible. You will constantly drain meter while invisible. This skill is very hard to master because you are totally invisible, but still in control. I find this great for a quick distraction when someone is kicking towards me, followed by two quick kickbacks into a drill kick. Great for confusion and misdirection.

Next I wanted to mention gem choices for Stream

YOLO gem - Stream has a legit reason to use the YLO gem. Jefailey. Picking this will immediately swell Jefailey’s head to max size. As soon as the first match starts a quick jump jump kick with aim will be faster than Jefaily can retreat, and you can get the headshot. At that size once Jefailey is concussed, you can easily get the next four headshots for the total domination. Other than Jefaily, unless you’re showing off, dont YOLO bro.

Style Gem - I don’t think you ever need to take the style gem on Stream, and here is why. Stream has an easy trick to build meter quite quickly. If you kick dive kick in very fast succession you will do a very fast kick only inches off the ground and build a good slice of meter, you can spam this pretty quickly and get enough meter for a flamebait in about three kicks, and a sp00by in five. You don’t give up much ground, basically inching forward ever so slightly, and unlike other characters good at spamming kickbacks for meter (Mr. N, Baz, Kick) you are much much less vulnerable to attack because you’re barely off the ground, ready to react to a kick into you.

Dive Gem vs. Kick Gem - Now heres where more matches and info is needed on my end. I tend to favor the kick gem. Stream’s drill kick is slow and that 10% gives you just enough speed and distance that i feel more confidant on going in with a long drill kick.

So that’s my initial thoughts, and like I said, I am in no way a seasoned hardcore vet of the FGC, just a guy that likes playing with friends. So lets start talking.

Thanks. I really don’t see myself not using Stream. Anyways, Sp00by pls actually seems like a very good tool to stay near the line when time is almost up.

How is Kick Factor with Stream?

Yikes, Stream is hard to use. However, I won’t give up. I still think he is a good character.

I threw together a quick tutorial video for Stream. Check it out and let me know what you think.


Not surprised to see only 4 posts here lol

Anyway, I’m maining him as well. I’m still trying to figure out good and bad match ups, but I’m so bad with him that I’m still focused on getting in good control and making good use of his specials. I seem to start every session with a bunch of losses, even a few frauds, then BAM, suddenly I’m chaining headshots and loving life. I got Total Domination on some idiot on PSN yesterday, it was amazing!

Kenny has 0 post. :frowning: I need to make a thread sometime.

Anyways, in my opinion, if you know how to control Stream kicks, he can be quite threatening.