Rainbow Six Siege - the 900(ms) IQ shooter

My new glasses are misaligned.
No wonder I couldn’t even fucking see Frost straight in front of me in the hallway yesterday

Vigils smg is really really good
Almost no recoil or spread
Shotgun you’ll be shit out of luck if they’re close and you miss once
Shotgun can be fun
His gadget is cool but there are better operatives gadget wise
He’s best used for his guns

I run his smg with reflex but I think it would be good with holo

Dokk I run the mk14 with acog of course
She’s alright to me
The phone thing is pretty good and it’s funny when they shoot out their own cams
I think there are better and more useful ops though

Zofia I run the rifle which is easily one of the best guns in the game
That shit has like no fucking spread
Her gadget is overly strong
2 long range breaches and 4 concussion rounds that tell you if anyone is in the room or not while disorienting them at the same time
She is extremely useful and works well on every map

I noticed they indirectly buffed shields
Pistols are buffed
C4 throw range is greatly reduced
It’s like you’re throwing bowling balls
They said they buffed Mira and jackals 2ndary shotgun in damage but I didn’t notice a difference

New map feels like a cod map

My new ops tier list

  1. Zofia
  2. Dokk
  3. Vigil

Zofia I think is op

Bucks c8 is really good
Just not easy to control but not hard either
The spread is just straight vertical up instead of diagonal
Buck is played a lot in pro league and he is a really useful op so it’s a good idea to learn how to control his c8
His semi rifle isn’t bad either if you can’t control the c8

Frost gun isn’t bad but it isn’t up there either but there are a lot of places on the map where the traps are really effective

Idk, Frost’s gun has so much vertical kick it feels like I have to aim at the nuts to shoot them in the head. Her gadget is pretty fun though. Maybe I don’t feel comfortable because I’m using on her an optics (red dot) that I don’t use on any other gun.
I’m gonna try the Mk14 on Dokk.
Which attachments did you put on Vigil’s main weapon?


i take back that comment on the c4
it seems like my game was glitching last night or something
they throw normally now


Man machine pistols are so strong in this game. You can delete people so fast with them, they make little noise and their reload time is non existent. I started defaulting with them on many ops since their SMGs/ARs take longer to kill someone.

Smg11 is the best one
Korean ones kick a lot
Not a fan of the Japanese ones

Aren’t the Japanese MP’s similar stat-wise to the SMG-11?

Man, when the SMG-11 had the ACOG, spawn-peaking must’ve been super cheesy (besides Jaegar’s ACOG of course).

SMG-11 had ACOG? wtf? That doesn’t even make any sense with that gun…


Our Ubi bois scored big with the last patch. Having the same performances as CSGO, feelsgoodman.
I think I joined the game at the right time.

The Japanese ones spread more at medium to longer distances
The smg11 is like a straight laser
I think smg11 is faster fire rate too I don’t remember
But either way you would rather use acog on echo as a hard anchor with 1 speed and shotgun/msg combo works better on smoke with 2 speed

Jesus Korean bae shotgun is pretty damn nuts

Maybe on console
It’s ass on pc

Holy shit that’s a lot of charms this week. I’m gonna have to play all day to get them lol

I just ran around and knived 4 people in a row in a round. The design of melees being one shots is pretty curious…

After settling down with the new ops for a while, Dokkaebi is the most underwhelming to me. Her logic bomb is alright but it feels like a double-edged sword because of how the defenders can use their phones to bait impatient players. Not to mention the intel she gets may either be incredibly obvious (“there’s a Rook on OBJ stomping his damn feet, guys!”) Or provide little benefit (you hear nothing after the hack goes off. Enemies aren’t nearby so you’re good, I guess). Also, her passive of hacking enemy cams is kinda moot when you shoot out 5 or 6 of them beforehand.

Vigil and Zofia are fun.



Dokka’s gadget can be extremely useful or extremely useless depending on when you’re using it. If a teammate is chasing down a roamer and doesn’t know exactly where he’s hiding, making his phone ring will reveal his position to him. If there’s only a couple enemies left and you want to rush them you can call them to make them panic.
Remember also that when you hack them you force them out of camera mode and they won’t be able to access cameras until they turned the phone off, so you can use it to deny intel and let your teammates go through a hallway where they might have standard or Black Eye cameras.
I think she has a relatively high learning curve when it comes to use Logic Bomb optimally, but when you understand when to use it it can be a pretty high value support operator.

dokke is good but there are more useful ops
shes good when your team is pushing in
shes really good when your team is pushing into the site where the remaining enemy ops are anchoring