Ragequitters be damned - The Bads Loser Wall of Shame

Eventhubs picked it up a little while back too.


Sadly, I never remember the names of ragequitters (too many to count). A lot of times, I feel like a name is familiar, and then of course I get dc’ed on, and realize that they’ve done this to me before :stuck_out_tongue:

That is a much clearer way of stating it, yes. That is what I was going for. Wish I wasn’t so tired when I wrote that.

I wasn’t saying that “social grace” and “social issues” were synonyms. However, I don’t believe anyone would disagree on the face that social grace is a social issue.

This thread is quite possibly one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen conceived for DC prevention.

Another, even easier thing to spot is spaces. PSN Online IDs cannot have spaces, so if there’s a space in someone’s username, it’s an XBL Gamertag for sure.

Agreed, a digital wall of shame is a perfect idea. 2x thumbs up

yah DC is becoming a bigger problem more and more people are doing it. :shake:

Its happening a lot more in player matches as well

Yay I don’t see my name up there from last week when my DSL was being shitty! I swear, I never quit on anyone cuz I was losing. Hell If I’m already down to my last sliver of health against someone who’s totally outclassed me, I’ll just sit there and taunt while you finish me off.

I’m not going to lie, I’m not exactly the best player ever.

But I had someone quit on me for the first time today. I’m a really bad Sakura player, and he was Bison. I was going to put up a picture, buuuut…

At first, he said he was irritated by people who spam moves and only know one button (directed towards me, obv). When I told him that I was poking, doing tatsus, otoshis (or w/e they’re called) and all that, and that he was just sweeping and doing psycho crushers, he sent another mail apologising for the disconnect and saying that he was just stressed from shotos like Ryu and Ken and that he didn’t want to start the day on a loss.

Bless his little cotton socks.

It begins.




Not that someone dropping on you matters even in the least bit but…at least this is getting them to come out and say they are sore losers. There are people online dedicated to avoiding droppers so it’s in their best interest competitively to not do it.

lol, wut?

I’d just like to note that I don’t mind the site, but anyways…

I believe he’s referring to the fact that people are going to start getting paranoid/worried when their connections craps out or something because they fear they might end up getting posted on a site and labeled as a dropper. Thus they have to automatically run to there, or here, or somewhere and explain themselves…which admittedly is kind of ridiculous.

Correct me if I’m wrong Specs @_@

Fair enough. I don’t mean to shit up the forums with unnecessary posts, but I was genuinely relieved to not find my name on the site.

I understand, not attacking your or anything. Does suck though that people may start worrying about that now. Hell, it crosses my mind too although my internet hasn’t crapped out yet while playing. But what if it does? Fun times. Better upgrade my connection :rofl:

Given the circumstances outlined when submitting images (The other person had little to no life, were facing sudden/certain death i.e. dropped at an unreasonable point in the match) I personally feel that there is a good filtering system in place, but sure that doesn’t mean some false positives won’t get through.

I like the the site and the idea behind it, but I can see why there may be issues.

I think the best solution if people want to do something like this is to first msg the person you think ragequit on you. Say something rude, ask them if they ragequit, whatever.

If in their response they admit they ragequit, go ahead and post that response.

Sometimes I accuse people and they say it was an accidental disconnect and seem actually apologetic about it. When that happens I apologize and accept the explanation.

Ragequitters are generally douchebags and will continue to be douchebags after you msg them.

That works. And yeah, it does happen to all of us.

No it doesnt. But you SOOOO want it to so you can feel justified in your hyper-sillyious rant.

Just let it go dude and play games.